that time i infiltrated the social justice international and their wealthy capitalist patrons.
back in 1992 headquarters had heard rumours some toronto millionaires were providing free housing to cells of the social justice international. the exact goal was not known to us. it was either to have the sji go easy on the millionaires when the revolution the sji are always plotting came to pass, or it was evidence these millionaires were creating an army for their own revolution and billeting them in their own properties around toronto.
one of these dens of the sji was located on mutual street, it was a two story house like all the other houses on mutual except it was owned by one of the millionaires on our list and was full of black bloc sji.
my part was to draw the attention of this black bloc cell by making them think i might be a government agent, spook them sufficiently and they would spend time and energy keeping me within their surveillance to discover if their suspicions were correct, while others from headquarters watched them watching me.
however i couldn't just walk up and knock on the door unexpected, it had to be through some one they were acquainted with so they would imagine they were being infiltrated step by step.
i got my chance when a person who rented in the same house i lived in asked me if i would mind dropping off his metro pass so his black bloc friends could use the last week left on it while he was in montreal. imagine my surprise when it just happened to be the house on mutual street.
i agreed. it was the perfect way to get on their radar, i could just walk up knock on the door and drop off something from a mutual acquaintance who i already had under sousveillance, get a look inside their barracks, say and do something to set off their spook alarm then get out leaving them wondering.