two sets of recent murders that seem to be the work of the toronto tunnel monster. a small ghoul like creature that inhabits the nooks and crannies of torontos underground.
the death of tess richey in late november and barry and honey sherman in mid december all three by strangulation. the investigations while thorough have not mentioned one suspect.
police are looking for a lone male in the richey case and have decided along with the families own investigators that the barry's were killed by someone else and have a list of people they want to talk to. all while overlooking the toronto tunnel monster, those small ghoul like creatures inhabiting the nooks and crannies of torontos underground.
was one or more of them lurking within the cellar of the building at 852 church and able to grab and strangle tess richey. coming up from the sewer system or some convenient egress created by the renovations of the buildings.
did the barry's come home to find some of these tunnel ghouls having a dip in their pool and didn't live to tell of it.
the discovery of the barry's in their subterranean swimming pool and richey ( allegedly) at the bottom of a flight of stairs leading under ground points to these ghouls habitat. while the toronto tunnel ghouls are not mentioned by toronto police, the searching of the sewers near the barry's home may indicate they are looking into the possibility ghouls may be the killers.