Friday, November 30, 2018

barry sherman—black bloc

we were talking about the barry and honey sherman deaths. i was relating my thoughts on how it looked like a double occult sacrifice by the deep state and he said, "do you remember andre chauvette?"

"yes how could anyone forget andre?"

"back in 1991 he was going back to montreal for a week, he asked me if i would take his metro pass downtown and drop it off at some house on mutual street where his friends lived so they could use the last three or four days left on it. i said sure and he went on telling me he didn't think the other people we were sharing the house with would do it because these other friends were members of blackbloc."

"yeah that would be andre."

"hmmm, after i had agreed to deliver the metro pass andre added that these friends of his were living rent free in an old house that was owned by some millionaire who had made all his money in pharmaceuticals. he made a joke that the millionaire was doing this so when the revolution came they wouldn't shoot him against a wall."

"oh, you think he's the same person as barry sherman?"

"i'm wondering, i guess there's more than one toronto millionaire letting blackbloc activists live rent free in one of their old buildings and writing it off as charity, if not to protect themselves, but how many of those millionaires made their money in pharmaceuticals?"

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