Thursday, January 31, 2019

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

alberta high school surveillance

it was the late 1970s at st. joseph's roman catholic seperate high school in grande prairie alberta. principle dunne was spying on mr. mac donald because of mac donald's comments in class. that's what mr. mac donald said one day in class.

mac donald had been a football player in college and was going to go professional sports when he decided to become a teacher and mould young people's minds. who he was moulding those minds for was the information headquarters wanted.

he would talk about things and add to them as if to get a conversation started, students saying things he could pass on to someone else for some later use. one of the girls in class got pregnant, arlene hesse, he made it sound like a great thing. have kids young and a career later. as if promoting everyone should have kids while in teens. putting ideas in students heads. parents began to call the principles office to verify what they were hearing at home.

mac donald would check the intercom when he came in and sometime again before class started to make sure it was off. students noticed this and one day said to a couple of other students it was dunne who turned it on so he could listen in on what was said in the class. according to mac donald it wasn't only him mr. dunne was spying on, other teachers had noticed this happening to them.

mr. mac donald thought principle dunne was spying on him, and me, i was watching all of them and i think he had some reasons to think that way.

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Sunday, January 27, 2019

landscape with unicorn

landscape video of parklands in banff national park or maybe outside of the park, with a unicorn.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

hypnosis and mind control

hypnosis and mindcontrol fan, that youtube channel devoted to hypnosis and mindcontrol.

clip after clip of people being hypnotized for mindcontrol by a variety of villains. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

rex research—mad science

rex research that blog devoted to science of the slightly mad type. still up and posting as of 2019. all the inspiration for taking over the world in one place.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

you suck, i suck, we all suck at cooking

you suck at cooking, that youtube channel devoted to not boiling food, toast it, bake it, fry it, hold your food up to the sun, rub it between your hands till the friction cooks it, anything but the pot of boiling water.

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Thursday, January 17, 2019

rivka golani—bird drawings

birds of another feather ... my musical colleagues. charicatures of types of people you find in the music world.

written and illustrated by violist rivka golani as her way of dealing with some of the people she worked with.

they are doodles with an eastern euroese ethnic folk style to them. doodles but doodle-art.

a one page preface by igor kuchinsky is followed by a one page introduction by golani. after that page after page of doodles.

first a self portrait then doodles on soloists, and the people you find in chamber ensembles, chamber orchestras, symphony orchestras. she finishes with three doodles as a grande finale.

a high end colouring book. the black and white doodles are printed on a heavy enough paper that allows them to be given a light wash of water colour.

coloured, cut from the book or removed from the glued perfect binding, framed and hung on a wall or placed between the blank page of an unused sketch book and admired while listening to music. maybe some rivka golani.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Sunday, January 13, 2019


sculpture at yonge and bloor.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

missing gays—fantasia of notes

were the murders of men from torontos lgbt-etal community a psyop to create a special investigative force exclusively for the lgbt-etal community.

some people of lgbt-etal work in the sex trade as a part time free lance way of making ends meet. they don't want to pay a pimp to protect them. if a client dosnt pay or roughs them up they can't go to the police and lay charges as this pay for sex is illegal for both the client and seller.

so a plan was made to murder some people of lgbt in a way the controversy around it could be socially manipulated to push the public sentiment following the deaths into the creation of a special branch of the police for these missing persons cases that involve people of lgbt. a special branch of the police that would make casual sex work possible if you are a person of lgbt.

the deep state uses the mind influencing machine to remotely induce a designated suspect into killing some men of lgbt. this goes on for more than a decade to create more tension between the lgbt community and the police.

one person after another person of lgbt goes missing, reports are made to the police and is not given the same attention a non lgbt missing person would get. or it gets the same amount but because of their extra sexual activities the lgbt community thinks it should get more.

the number of missing men of lgbt continues to increase. rumours of a cannibal serial killer with a taste for people of lgbt flesh begin to be heard. and then it happens. the complaints get louder and more frequent just as the police make an arrest. and the people of lgbt now demand what was planned decades ago and is now possible because of the murders.

kill some people of lgbt who do part time sex work, blame lack of arrests on police rather than the laws to prevent sex work that make people balk at reporting nonpayment and physical attacks.

when it gets enough attention make an arrest and have the psyop assets in the lgbt community goe after the police and demand changes to the laws on sex work.

in short have the toronto police pimp for them.

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Sunday, January 6, 2019

frederick palmer—photoplay

found this youtubevideo while searching for videos on the thirty six dramatic situations of polti. the book by frederick palmer on photo plays is available at the quote below is from the beginning of the text and gives an indication of the style of what follows it.


Study! Study! Study!

Never cease to study.

One is never too young to learn. One is never too old.

Study prepares the young to meet life.

It enables the old to enjoy it.

Study develops genius. It creates strength. It controls fate. It instills culture.It gratifies ambition. It banishes grief.

It is the foundation of life's greatest happiness.

Don't think of study as work. Think of it as it is—a great pleasure. Don't beafraid of it. Don't believe you can't learn."

Excerpt From: Palmer, Frederick, 1881-. "Palmer plan handbook; photoplay writing, simplified and explained." Los Angeles, Cal. : Palmer Photoplay Corp., 1919. Apple Books.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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Thursday, January 3, 2019

toronto townscape

exit from the yonge dundas subway to dundas square.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

toronto soundscape

sounds of angry mob at the dundas square drifting down to subway platform level.