Sunday, January 6, 2019

frederick palmer—photoplay

found this youtubevideo while searching for videos on the thirty six dramatic situations of polti. the book by frederick palmer on photo plays is available at the quote below is from the beginning of the text and gives an indication of the style of what follows it.


Study! Study! Study!

Never cease to study.

One is never too young to learn. One is never too old.

Study prepares the young to meet life.

It enables the old to enjoy it.

Study develops genius. It creates strength. It controls fate. It instills culture.It gratifies ambition. It banishes grief.

It is the foundation of life's greatest happiness.

Don't think of study as work. Think of it as it is—a great pleasure. Don't beafraid of it. Don't believe you can't learn."

Excerpt From: Palmer, Frederick, 1881-. "Palmer plan handbook; photoplay writing, simplified and explained." Los Angeles, Cal. : Palmer Photoplay Corp., 1919. Apple Books.
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