Sunday, November 30, 2014

lurking drugged lunches

those times, in the late nineteen-seventies at high school after lunch, I would feel slightly tired and couldn't concentrate, eventually it got so bad I dropped the class right after noon just so I could recover.

how this could be used in a fiction. at a school in northern alberta the deep state of united states has been secretly conducting mind control studies. these studies consist of various leadership games in the classes. some of the students have been selected for other experiments which include secretly opening lockers and drugging their homemade lunches.

the amount of the drug was in micro dose, the smallest amount to get an effect without having the students incapacitated, or making people suspicious and give the experiment away. the purpose of this involuntary drugging is to make it difficult for them to concentrate after eating their lunches, therefore making them more open to hypnotic suggestions made during classes by specially trained teachers who were secretly in on the project.

in time it comes out that it was a continuation of the testing on unknowing subjects of the americans foreign policy of mind control and cointelpro projects that were supposed to of been dropped in the earlier part of the seventies.


roygbiv sunflower

self sown sunflowers at south end of leslie street.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

lurking free malware gift

that time I found on my ipad a number of musical pieces I never bought or downloaded for free. going to the Apple Store I pointed them out to the available staff and was told me how to send a complaint to Apple. a day later I recieved email explaining that Apple had downloaded to everyone's Apple device the latest album of U2 as a free gift and explained how I could delete it. after this I read about how the gift backfired a bit on Apple and the music group.

how this could be used in a fiction. Apple makes a gift of A peace activist bands latest album, they have it downloaded to the apple devices without the owners permission. some controversy occurs as not every one cares for the music and they create a site where people can delete it without downloading it.

unknown to Apple and the music group the deep state has had its computer agents infiltrate Apple and add malware to the music. malware that would allow them to monitor the devices it's downloaded to. malware that allows them to delete and add information to the IP address of any device its downloaded to so they can incriminate the owners.

a few weeks later some Apple owners begin to notice their devices seem to have a greater than usual number of problems, they run slower, apps are crashing, the malware has been activated because they deleted the music or have left it there without downloading, alerting the deep state to their anti communitarian behavior.

one of the people who drafted the malware has a turn of conscience and contacts the front man of the band, who when he hears what was done dosnt know to expose it or keep quiet. to help him decide the agents of the deep state give him a few deciding incidents, his private jet loses a door in flight and he has a cycling accident thanks to a directed energy gun speeding up his bike.


Sunday, November 23, 2014

lurking library lurkers


that time at the North York public library in early nineteen nineties. I was looking for a book on a lower shelf, kneeling, and a guy came down the aisle and standing a pace from me he moved his left leg so it pressed against me, I moved over to give him room and he moved to close the gap between us and pressed his left leg against me a second time. I looked up at him with a frown on my face, he seemed startled and took off. on my way out of the library the security guard gave me a funny I know what you are up to look, took out a little note pad and started writing something on it.

how the incident could be used in a fiction. a person at a library in North York toronto looking for a book on a lower shelf, a sleazy guy comes down the aisle, stops beside him and presses the side of his leg against him. the person looking for the book moves over a little to give the other person some room thinking he may want something from the shelf.

the other guy again moves closer to him and presses his leg against him for the second time. the person looks up with a frown on his face. when the sleazy guy sees the frown he startles and takes off down the aisle. the other person finishes what he is doing and then leaves. as he goes out the security guard by the exit gives him a funny I know what you were doing look and takes out a note book and scribbles something down. the person wonders what the sleazy guy may of said to security after the incident between the shelves. he soon finds out when the police come to his house to question him.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

wall garden in the beeches


wall garden at the beaches-lion, around the corner of the queen street entrance beside the morning patio. the stone panel above the garden adds to the classical shrine like atmosphere the fragments of wood create.

Friday, November 21, 2014

More alternating repetition

underfoot, on the groundscape of toronto,

this time out doors at the intersection of king and

sherbournes street car booth.

raised dots alternate with l shaped lines meant

to give traction unintentionally decorate the pavement.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

lurking alanon blackmail club

that time in red deer alberta. after the first and last alanon meeting I attended, one of the other people at the meeting, a female followed me to the bus stop. she talked the whole way about how if I needed a place to stay because of the alchoholism at home her boyfriend and she would be glad to have me stay a night with them. she wanted to give me her number but I deferred.

how it could be used in a fiction. a person attends an alanon meeting, after the meeting one of the other persons there, a young women walks to the bus stop with him. she says she knows how hard it is coming from a family with alcoholism, and that if he ever needed a place to stay for a night her boyfriend and she would be glad to have him stay a night with them. she tries to give him her number but he defers. what he dosnt know is it is a kind of organized crime set up some of the people in alanon have to blackmail other members.

which is the reason that when he dosnt go to any more meetings he gets a call from the police about an assault report by some female he dosnt even know by name. she claimed he had posed as some one from an alcoholic family, came to the meeting and later accepted her offer of a place to stay for the night. she then claims he followed her to her place and raped her. more to come.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

more road kill

cricket eating grasshopper in the park.

Monday, November 17, 2014

lurking cia cult

that time in grande prairie when I attended st. josephs junior high school. from early nineteen seventy seven a new age program was being openly implemented in the classes, there were complaints from some of the teachers and parents about it. apparently they didn't like the evangelical group from peace river that was pushing or behind the program. then on november eighteenth nineteen seventy eight, after the jones town guyana massacre all of the activity went underground.

how this could be used in a fiction. early 1977 in northern alberta an evangelical and ecumenical templehas infiltrated local schools. they have gotten the schools to implement some of their ideas for building a better society in to the work load of the students. it goes on for about a year then complaints about the activities are made by some of the teachers and a group of parents and when school resumes after the summer break of 1978 there are open arguments at school board meetings about the activities.

and then it comes to the attention of the group against the activities that the peace river evangelical temple is connected to the strange jones town cult compound in guyana which has been in the news because of reports of people being subjected to mind control techniques that sound similar to the activities introduced into the school curriculum. but on november the 18, before they can act on that evidence, the massacres happen in jonestown and the catholic school board shuts down the project and cuts contact with the evangelical temple, but the activity goes under ground.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

road kill

wasp selecting a choice morsel from a road killed grasshopper out at the leslie street spit.


lurking library swingers


that time at the reference library I sat down at a crowded table and a guy at table away looked up as I was sitting down to see who was sitting down, smiled at me and sat up taller as though he knew me from some where else and then when I didn't respond looked troubled frowned and went back to what he was reading.

how this incident could be used in a fiction. a person is at the reference library as he sits down a guy looks up from a few tables away, raises his head completely, sits up back to back of chair knitted his fingers together on the table even gives a little smile. like he knows him from somewhere. he goes back to his book when the person makes no response to his behaviour.

a few weeks later as the person is exiting the elevator at the library a similar incident occurs, this time a young asian female looks up, sits up, knits her fingers together on the table and smiles, almost as though some one behind the person is motioning these actions to her. he walks on and she makes a deadpan face.

some couple of weeks later as the person is walking through the cumberland terrace the guy and the asian girl from the library are standing near a jewelry store. she is bent over in front of the guy like she was giving him a blow job though her head is turned and she is smiling at the other guy. her friend is staring off into space with a grin on his face while a line of saliva drools from his mouth on to the girls head. the person is a little startled by this and exits to the street on his way to the yorkville library.

when he arrives he makes himself comfortable by the magazines. In a few minutes the couple from the hall way enters the library, the male glares at him, motions to the female to sit in a chair with her back to the other person but in line with the chair he is sitting in, and then the guy with the asian turns his back and starts looking at magazines on the shelves. while he does that the asian girl gets up and moves quietly to the shelve opposite the ones her friend is standing at and begins siding along the magazine shelves, slowly closer and closer toward the other person. all the time pretending to be looking at the magazines though taking looks over her shoulder at the guy who had turned his head so he could see what she was doing and encourage her with nodding motions of his head.

So the other person gets up slaps the magazine he is reading on the table and goes to the bathroom. when he gets back they were gone, but not for long.


wall garden

sitting wall made from the stones of a worn out step.


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Lurking negro pet

That time I was on the subway headed east, I was sitting by a door and at one station when the doors opened a white dog on a leash came in ahead of the person at the other end of the leash. The dog looked at my lap and jumped up on me as though it wished to get away from the person holding the leash, a young negress, who when she saw the dog on my lap said with a shocked tone "oh I'm so sorry he's never done that before, get off his lap oh I'm so sorry." She and the dog moved away a few seats.

How this could be used as an incident in a fiction. A person on one of the ttc subway lines gets a surprise when the train stops at one of the stations and a negress with a white dog on a leash enters. The dog takes one look at his lap and jumps up on his clean pants. The negress gasps and yanks the dogs leash while at the same time telling it to get off his lap and apologizing to him, saying that's so strange he's never jumped up on anyone's lap before.

A couple of weeks later he is sitting by the door in a cafe on yonge street between bloor and Asquith. The door opens and a negress comes in and sits on the floor across from where he is sitting. She is unkempt as though she's been sleeping in an alley and starts talking under her breath about needing a home and could he take her home with him, she would behave herself and not bother him, if she followed him home would he take her in. she goes on talking while sprawled on the floor near the door while the guy who had the dog jump on his lap and other customers watch her until one of the staff comes and asks her to leave. That is when he wonders if that is the same negress who's dog jumped on his lap in the subway and if that incident was planned with this second event.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

townscape with figure

Figure framed in door of war memorial on the west lawn of the laurentian cathedral.


pigeon of the week


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

mouldings on pavilion

Mouldings at the base of pilaster on the entry porch of the Palm room at the allen gardens conservatory.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Lurking operation redhead

They forget to mention surveillance entrapment as one of red-deers amenities.

That time in red deer I was at the public library. I got up to reshelve a book and in the time it took to walk around the corner of the nearest shelf an put the book back someone had come along and put a note in the pocket of my winter coat which was hanging on the chair. I found it when I put my coat on and returned a pen to my pocket. I quickly checked my pockets to see if anything was missing and then read the note.
The person who supposedly left it described her self as the girl with the red hair who was at a desk near me. The message went on that she was too shy to introduce her self to me so left the note, hopeing I would call the number on it and we could arrange to meet somewhere.
At the time I thought someone was having some fun, never occurred to me it could of been a surveillance entrapment run by the rcmp or an organized crime group.

How this could be used in a fiction. A person is at a library and gets up to reshelve a book, he goes around the corner of the nearest shelf and replaces the book and returns to the desk in less than a minute, long enough for someone to go past his coat and slip a note in the pocket.
Back at the table he put his coat on and when he places a pen in one of the pockets he Finds the paper and thinks it's something he forgot putting there, unfolds it and reads the writing. It is a message from some one saying she wants to talk to him but was too shy to approach him there in the library, the note describes her as being the girl with the red hair sitting at another table, maybe he noticed. There is a phone number for him to call so they could arrange to meet some where.
He dosnt call the number. A couple of weeks later while he is shopping at a local mall he hears some one talking behind him about how "someone should call the number he found on the paper in his pocket, they have to meet their quota, if someone dosnt call and meet the person they can make worse things happen to him." He turns around and says what? and the guy says some one gave him money to say what he said behind him and starts to repeat what he had said spooks and takes off.