Saturday, February 28, 2015

twenty two united states

seven billion devided by three hundred twenty million.

or twenty two united states

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


one of the dozens of youtube videos of people talking about patrick suppes, all of them seem to be uploaded by patrick suppes.

an essay written by patrick suppes on proportion in euroese architecture.

vitruvius palladio and frank lloyd wright all come in as examples of how architecture can be the vehicle for a study of proportion.

patrick suppes, metiendo vivendum.


geranium, avocado, garlic


Saturday, February 21, 2015

toronto public library patron report

this blog has a post on incident reports at the toronto public libraries and how they are used by librarians to tar patrons who they do not want around the library.

I've made several over the years starting with the guard bothering me after I had seen him talking in a way that seemed to be about me with an other library user who with his girlfriend had been sexually harassing me over several months.

I would add something to his comment that the libraries use the form to blacklist patrons, the something added being is the forms are shared with the police or csis. the harassmant in my case seems to have been part of a larger d and d surveilance event on the part of csis with cooperation by the library staff and security guards.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

lurking toronto library security

a newsclipping about the final result in the debate over reducing the city of toronto budget by reducing or eliminating security guards at the toronto public libraries.

rob ford suggested the number of incidents requiring guards was not large enough to continue employing guards.

the library board also voted to reduce the number of security guards.

the library employees and supporters countered with these arguments.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

writers sun trap

another sun trap, this one unbuilt and only shown as drawings and models.

aside from being a sun trap it also has the prospect and refuge principle of jay appleton in the way the seat or table at the top of the stairs looks out over the entrance.

open the door and goe up stairs to the writers garret.


Monday, February 16, 2015

architecture cordwood

cordwood walled center for the arcus social justice warriors in kalamazoo.

gang architects, headed by jeanne gang.


lurking toronto reference library warning letter

the warning letter to inform me that taking photographs in the libraries or their grounds was not allowed witout the proper permission.


toronto public library warning letter

he is the same one who on the ninth of january of this year, escorted a librarian to where i was sitting in the library so she could hand deliver a warning letter to me.


lurking toronto reference library security


i think he may be the same guard in this video i found on youtube.


lurking toronto public library security

in the second photo taken seconds after the first he is not there.


lurking toronto public library security

a few days ago i took some photos of the toronto public reference library. when i looked at them later i noticed one of the libraries security guards on a smoke break beyond the column with the bike leaning against it.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

vignola in a box

found browsing for images, vignolas pattern book on euroese classical architecture in a box.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

have budget--will balance

Created with #keepcalmandcarryon

newsclippings on the Tory plan for a balanced budget for the year 2015.

at the globe and mail.

at the star. maybe it will goe away if we postpone it.

at the national post it's become an obsession.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

books books books

found this blog while browsing for information on john lockes new method of making commonplace books.


palladio in a box

found browsing for images of palladian geometry.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015


another sun trap, this one well insulated by its cordwood walls.

the image of the super coop above comes from an album of photos of buildings all constructed of cordwood.

the website day creek came up because of a conection to the writings of christopher alexander, which some or all of the people at daycreek use in designing their buildings.

some of the images are of places in Canada, Quebec.


Monday, February 9, 2015

palladio--villa pisani

this seems to be the only image of palladios work at artificiodigitale, have not been able to find more palladian themed work by them.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

sun trap

a heavily insulated south facing box along a walking path to enjoy a break from inclement weather or for sitting in on winter days. something similar, though not as enclosed, can be found in the writings of gordon cullen, his townscape books.

the example in the photo comes from the orientation of buildings or planning for sunlight by william atkinson. the text of the book is available at using the information in the book one can plan their dwellings and other buildings to be as light and sunny or dark as thit wants.


one canadian to nine americans

threehundredeighteen devided by

thirtyfive equals

nine americans for every one canadian.


Saturday, February 7, 2015

lurking plant cuttings


toronto public library security guards.

that time in 91-92 I was watering plants in offices for greenlife. at one place, some where along king street. I had done some trimming of plants, expected by the plant company, and left the trimmings in the kitchenette.

the next week at that office a negro female was waiting for me. she claims to be the contact person for the office. in front of an all female staff she wants to know why I cut the plant belong to one of them. I apologized to the secretary or whatever she was who's plant I trimmed, and everyone went back to doing what they were doing.

more than a decade later at the reference library as I was walking towards the elevator a female was leaning over the edge of the plantwall holding in one hand a length of philodendron, the same type of plant I had trimmed in the office, and cutters in the other. while standing on one foot and looking at me she cut it with a dramatic gesture that seemed to be meant for me to see. I thought must be some kind of a joke about the incident in the office more than a decade ago and wondered who and why any one would do that. it seemed to me it was being watched by others, possibly the library security.

how this incident could be used in a fiction. a person working for a company that supplies and cares for plants in offices. some of the employees sneak personal plants near the office plants so they will be watered for them. besides watering and dusting leaves the plants are to be trimmed of dying yellowed leaves and vines are to be trimmed of their longest stems to keep them even looking.

at one office the contact person is too busy to take him around the office to see which plants are on the contract and he does a regular trimming of the plants. the next week the contact person complains about him trimming the employees plants, the one they pointed out as being the office plants the company he works for takes care of.

he apologizes to the person who owns the plant and then asks the contact person to take him round and identify the plants on the contract, she's too busy and gives the task to another employee who dosnt know which plants are which.

several weeks later while he is at the library and walking to the elevator a female is leaning over a planter. she is holding a strand of the same plant he had cut at the office and looking right at him with a big smile she cuts the stem from the plant, tucks it in her pocket and runs to the elevator which she enters and takes to ground floor. as he continues on his way to the elevator two of the library security guards pop out from behind the shelf they were hiding behind to watch the incident.


fragments of dreams from notebook

from a scrap of paper covered on both sides with the page or more possibly the note number of dreams. all from a book by an author who's name and the title of the book i can not find on the scrap of paper.

he may of been russian or portugese and maybe the title of the book had something about fragments and dreams it it.

these were the notes from the book that caught at my attention on a first reading.

23-- I dream.

28-- dog ( dieing?)

35-- dreaming bread

36-- a fresh notebook

38, 39-- dream of age relief

59-- dream walking in great park

63-- euphoric dreams

65-- erotic dreams

66-- scraps of a

76-- lying down between.... wall

85-- sunday velvet

109-- odd dream of a snore of a ghost

111-- grandmothers name

116-- walk along barracks

119-- a very short dream

120-- beckett killing children

125-- dream of books


141-- same as 23

142-- molar

sun trap

a heavily insulated south facing box along a walking path to enjoy a break from inclement weather or for sitting in on winter days. something similar, though not as enclosed, can be found in the writings of gordon cullen, his townscape books.

the example in the photo comes from the orientation of buildings or planning for sunlight by william atkinson. the text of the book is available at using the information in the book one can plan their dwellings and other buildings to be as light and sunny or dark as thit wants.


palladio americano

palladio in stars and stripes, the web site of of the centre for palladian studies in america. it opens with a welcome page and that links the reader to a journal, articles and some information on palladio along with links to web sites of groups in other countries that share the american interest in palladio and his architecture.


have palladio will travel

travel blog with lots of photography by Tom palladio. there is a andrea palladio connection.


Friday, February 6, 2015

althouse blogspot

found this blog while browsing the web for information on the sabrina rubin narration of an alleged rape at uva. the blog belongs to ann althouse a law professor living in wisconson.

her comments and observations on law, current events around the world and in her area of the world.


civic social engineering

city of toronto transportation has been narrowing streets with paint, the end to be speed reduction and therefore fewer accidents. here, lower sherbourne street, they have tried another street narrowing idea, placing the lamp standards on the road way rather than the pedestrian walk way.


fire and briar

the pipe club of london web site. a dozen categories on the art, use and collection of tobacco pipes. not limited to euroese culture of pipes, it has some information on middle eastern and other cultures designs for tobacco burning.