that time in ninety one, I was sleeping for several nights in the pergola at st.james cathedral garden when one night a guy came and told me he was from the cathedral and said that though they didn't like to kick people out they didn't really like people staying the night in the pergola or the rest of the garden and added sometimes the police would, just to give me a warning.
when about a little more than a year after I moved into sixteen chandos, one of the crc housing properties, he showed up a couple of weeks after a new tenant moved in. the tenant introduced him as his older brother, who was supposedly a priest or something similar to a priest. if it was the same guy I didn't recognize him at the time.
how this could be used in a fiction. someone under surveillance by csis is sleeping in a pergola. one night a guy who claims to work at the cathedral tells him that though they don't mind people sleeping there the police watch for it and might have him removed.
a year later he moves in to a rooming-house, a few months later another tenant moves in and introduces his brother, who is the guy who told him about the police the night at the pergola. in reality this brother is a csis operative and not the other tenants brother and the other tenant is an informer they planted in the housing with the landlords help to watch the person on daily basis.
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