Saturday, February 7, 2015

fragments of dreams from notebook

from a scrap of paper covered on both sides with the page or more possibly the note number of dreams. all from a book by an author who's name and the title of the book i can not find on the scrap of paper.

he may of been russian or portugese and maybe the title of the book had something about fragments and dreams it it.

these were the notes from the book that caught at my attention on a first reading.

23-- I dream.

28-- dog ( dieing?)

35-- dreaming bread

36-- a fresh notebook

38, 39-- dream of age relief

59-- dream walking in great park

63-- euphoric dreams

65-- erotic dreams

66-- scraps of a

76-- lying down between.... wall

85-- sunday velvet

109-- odd dream of a snore of a ghost

111-- grandmothers name

116-- walk along barracks

119-- a very short dream

120-- beckett killing children

125-- dream of books


141-- same as 23

142-- molar