Monday, March 28, 2016

lurking harasseurs--comical style

took some photos of a friend of one of my harasseurs as I passed him, he was holding comic books in his hands, he sells them at various places on the street here in toronto. the photos were on my iPad when it was grabbed from me in january while I was sitting in the library at yonge and asquith.

about a couple of weeks after that i was sitting in timhortons at yonge and asquith, the same comic guy came in the cafe, approached three teenage boys sitting at the table near me and offered them the comic book he had with him, when they didn't want it he said to me, here this is for you and put it on the table i was sitting at and retreated.

it was one of the comics he was holding in the photos on the iPad.

how this could be used in a fiction.

the combined forces of csis and torontos drug cartel are counterintelligence stalking a person. he takes photos of a comic book vendor, one of his harasseurs. a few days later his iPad which he took the photos with is grabbed from his hands.

a couple of weeks later he is sitting in the timhortons at yonge and asquith when the harasseur he took photos of comes into the cafe and offers a comic book to three teenagers sitting near him, they refuse it. he then offers it to the person who took his photo who also refuses it, the vendor smiles evilly, ignores him places it on the table and leaves.

it is one of the comics the street vendor was holding when the person took his photo, leading him to think the comic vendor is connected to the people who now have his iPad. he pushes the comic off the table to an empty chair, as it lands on the chair a piece of paper falls out, it's a note with his name on it.

picking it up he reads a warning to him. they know he knows they are selling tiny ziplock bags of drugs in the comic books and he better keep quiet and not tell any one, it is signed by the heads of csis and torontos organized crime drug cartel division.