Sunday, March 20, 2016

stop gangstalking in toronto

one of the usual harraseurs, on his way out of the toronto reference library. our paths crossed going through the revolving door and as I was on my way up the stairs he came back in and tried to start a fight with me.

I looked over the edge of the stair rails and he was accusing me of trying to push him down as I came in through the revolving door and he was going out. I stood there waiting for him to come up the stairs but he wouldn't approach closer and took off. I think he may of been on of the harasseurs involved in the incident in the library directed by the csis or drug gang recruiter who approached me in 1990.

this was in febuary of 2016, about a week after the iPad was grabbed from my hands in the same entrance verandah these photos were taken from.

the people he works for seemed to be trying to make use of any left over animosity about the iPad to send in previous and recognizable harraseurs to stage incidents in the hope I might be angry enough over the iPad to displace the feelings in a physical attack on one of them. this was only one of several incidents in the weeks after. who might be behind this incident, was it csis, was it organized crime, maybe both working together.

he takes one last look over his shoulder as he retreats. i wonder how much he gets paid for the provocation and if he gets a bonus when this post goes up.