Friday, October 28, 2016

acanthus mollis--acanthus spinosis

a service building to the north of saint michael. two stone balls, their surface carved to represent the leaf of the mediterranean herb, acanthus.

acanthus is said to be the model for the leaf mouldings found on euroese architecture both in europe and overseas. used especially on the capitals of corinthean columns. during the decline and fall it found use as a texture.

acanthus a common herb of the mediterranean region has two varieties of leaf, one the spiny acanthus has a more jagged edge to the leaves, the other acanthus mollis has rounder billowing leafage. the euroese aesthetics makes use of both leaf type to decorate buildings furniture and other artifacts of life. i am undecided which is which here the difference has been made subtle.

the leaf balls in the photos guard the entrance as the trees of knowledge and immortality guarded the gate to heaven in eden. to a service building to the north of Saint Michaels near queen and Yonge streets. Much as the trees of knowledge and immortality guarded the gate of heaven in the garden.