Monday, October 31, 2016

chris hyndman--death of a sleepwalker (4)

i found this anonymous review of a new book by pius nesapius about the death of chris hyndman in a recent issue of the arkham readers post. it is more a collection of reading notes held together with excerpts from the book than a review. having read and reviewed some of nesapius works in the past i found it interesting to read another's persons thoughts on a topic and author i have a familiarity with. not having read this book i can't say how fair some of the comments made by the anonymous reviewer are.

i can say nesapius is no stranger when it comes to the topic of mysterious deaths, in his 2005 study of the events surrounding the 1995 suicide of ex csis agent tony iachetti he concluded iachetti did not suicide, but was executed by nato special forces for allegedly selling csis case files to organized crime and or rogue gladio operatives for use in gangstalking, extortion, and the creation of a strategy of tension. that strange tale raised more questions than any it answered, as does his newest book which describes the death of canadian television celebrity chris hyndman.



death of a sleepwalker, the conspiracy to occult the murder of chris hyndman. pius nesapius, landbaybooks. $63.00 (dollars canadian).

with the csis request out of the way he made his way to the queen and broadview neighborhood for a preliminary look at the scene of the death, while there he began making calls to other people on his list of gangstalking interviewees, thinking if their memory was jogged like his other source these people might recall hyndman among their harasseurs.

" ... though i had little success, one thought hyndman and steven sabados, hyndmans spouse and show business partner, were following him one day on yonge street near hayden lane but couldn't swear on it. several others also told me tales of gangstalking skits involving some one they thought could of been hyndman but none were certain enough to persue further. ... i emailed sabados offering my condolences and asking if hyndman had ever spoke to him about his alleged involvement in gangstalking and mentioning the stalking skit on yonge at hayden. twenty four hours later i received a return email from his lawyers warning against any further contact with their client."

(that email is made available as a footnote in the text.)

with his first step in the investigation begun he returned home and later that night he spent some time in a survey of the internet for what social media might provide in the way of clues.

" ... gadflies of social media had been busy commenting on hyndmans death, the three themes running through the posts were it was an accident, it was a suicide or it was a murder. though most of these murder theories were peuril attempts at black humour. .. one Internet piece stood out, the drag queen and fag scold sky gilbert in his blog no one reads summarized the comments that came out after hyndmans death. ... he had been sent email hinting and even explicitly stating what hyndman was up to, these were shared with him with the implication he should be the one to reveal to the world what they knew hyndman was up to. he passed on the magnanimous opportunity they offered him and instead wrote perhaps the most thoughtful obituary for hyndman."

the next day as nesapius was preparing for his return to broadview-queen news of hyndmans nocturnal activities and habits were released to his grieving fans by the media.

" ... this morning an accidental death theory received backing from hyndmans family. it came out in carefully crafted news releases that hyndman was a sleepwalker, a somnambulaphagate even, case closed. he fell to his death from the sixth floor of his condominium over the dangerously low edge of the private terrace while eating in his sleep. case closed, or was it? was it i wondered possible hyndman was sleepwalking when my contact saw him at barbwire. i would have to do some close reading in to this phenomena of somnambulism, ... and was this woman even his mother or a crisis actor in the pay of csis to play the part. ... and even if she was his mother she could be one of these crisis actors, her interview has that scripted feeling of something fabricated to put ideas in the publics mind. ... "

this revelation he writes didn't change his mind about putting his other work to the side and investigating hyndmans death and so he made his second visit to the location of hyndmans death looking for witnesses the police and media missed or selectively ignored.