Sunday, October 2, 2016

chris hyndman--death of a sleepwalker (two)

i found this anonymous review of a new book by pius nesapius about the death of chris hyndman in a recent issue of the arkham readers post. it is more a collection of reading notes held together with excerpts from the book than a review. having read and reviewed some of nesapius works in the past i found it interesting to read another's persons thoughts on a topic and author i have a familiarity with. not having read this book i can't say how fair some of the comments made by the anonymous reviewer are.

i can say nesapius is no stranger when it comes to the topic of mysterious deaths, in his 2005 study of the events surrounding the 1995 suicide of ex csis agent tony iachetti he concluded iachetti did not suicide, but was executed by nato special forces for allegedly selling csis case files to organized crime and or rogue gladio operatives for use in gangstalking, extortion, and the creation of a strategy of tension. that strange tale raised more questions than any it answered, as does his newest book which describes the death of canadian television celebrity chris hyndman.



death of a sleepwalker, the conspiracy to occult the murder of chris hyndman. pius nesapius, landbaybooks. $63.00 (dollars canadian).

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"i was to meet and talk about gangstalking with christopher hyndman today, but he was dead, and now in place of that interview i was sitting in a cafe waiting for one of my contacts who seemed to be hinting that he had information pertaining to hyndman." ...

"we met in a starbucks on yonge street, that one north of the bloor street but south of asquith avenue where the britnells books store had been located. when he entered i had the local papers spread before me on the table, all of them front page hyndman, he gave me one of his half-cocked grins, i went and got him a grande redeye americano latte au lait and when i returned it was to find he had the papers in front of him open to the articles on hyndman, a smirk on his lips. ... he had been the one who told me about a stalking skit in 2011 involving a white leather jacket similar to a white down-filled winter jacket he had as a teenager in the 1970s. what he had to relate now was an incident that occurred in 2007, four years before the 2011 stalking."

this person had related to nesapius an account of counterintelligence stalking against him that took place after a confrontation with crisis actors during the toronto g20 convention of 2010. during 2011 when the most intense part of the harassment took place there were two incidents that stood out as an example of the way the harasseurs use certain pieces of clothing as visual harassment.

he claimed that on christmass eve of 2010 as he was leaving the toronto reference library a woman got on the elevator dressed in a outrageous white leather jacket decorated with full length fringe. he recognized her as one of his harasseurs from pre 2010, and thought she was a government of ontario employee he had crossed paths with in 1991 though she also looked like the now premier of ontario kathleen wynn and he wasn't a hundred percent certain it had not been her, ... the second time he saw the jacket was about four months later, another female a tall skinny long haired blonde with a horse face was wearing a similar if not the same jacket, and she along with her boyfriend had participated in a milder group stalking starting in 2006.

nesapius explains costume stalking as the appearance and reappearance of an item of clothing worn by different people in different places while they do something to get the targets attention. this is hoped to unsettle the target of surveillance. one of the hopes being it effects the target unconciously and thit might commit a violent act against the one of the harasseurs so the police can question thit without it being clear they were the ones directing the harasseurs. the clothing would be handed out to the surveillance actors without them knowing the others who wore it before them, and then returned to the people who provide the costume.

"you know what i told you about the people stalking me in 2011 while wearing a white leather jacket with full length fringe ok, this happened further back in 2007. i was at the barbwire theatre, you know barbwire, yeah you know barbwire" he grinned and took out one of the little black note books i knew he kept for notes of his conquests, "here it is august third, 2007." my eyes widened when i heard the month and day, " it was just before eleven in the evening. i was pacing back and forth in the front room they have closed off for video booths, waiting for someone to come in that i deemed worthy of my load. the door to one of the booths was ajar, the flickering light of the tv screen indicated someone was at home and had left the door open in that way they do for visitors. i approached, the occupant opened the door wider as an invitation and stood there smiling like the cheshire cat, holding his shaft in his hand offering it to me. i don't know why i didn't recall this earlier, just the way he stood there with that toothy smile." ...

"i looked him up and i looked him down, didn't know what to make of the way he was dressed or his taste in porn which i could see on the tv screen, all things i make note of. most guys don't wear a costume and i prefer ordinary street clothes for casual sex, fancy dress seems out of place at a porn theatre, don't you think?", shrugs on both sides. "any how i gave the guy in the booth a nod of thanks but no thanks and walked away to continue pacing with anticipation." ...

... "a few minutes passed and all of a sudden the door to the booth the guy was in opened and he came out running, brushing past me, almost knocking down another guy and was out the door. he had also changed out of his costume into, if i recall correctly black jeans and a hoodie. i had forgotten the incident until now, when i saw the cbc news this morning, they were talking about hyndman, i had heard of him but didn't know what he looked like, as i was watching i thought i had seen that face before and not on tv or a magazine, !flashback! he was that guy in the booth that evening and then !double-flashback! it came to me what the guy had been wearing, a white leather jacket with full length fringe. i had an encounter with someone in a white leather long fringed jacket before my harraseurs of 2011 were wearing them." ...

" ... from my research into crisis acting i knew many pop culture celebrities are part of government counterintelligence surveillance. some names had come up repeatedly and with nauseating frequency during interviews with targeted individuals. the notoriously gay comedian scott thompson, mkultra honey-pot scary mary newfie walsh, one time governor general of canada adrienne clarkson and her second husband the jewish social-engineering provocateur john ralston saul, and other local celebrities too numerous to list here had come to my attention as taking part in this activity. ... but this was the first time hyndmans name had been mentioned as an actor in that corrupt form of unwarranted surveillance."