Thursday, December 22, 2016

keep calm and stop toronto gangstalkers

this is to warn the public that some or all of the employees of the toronto reference library may be working as part or full time informants for csis, the canadian intelligence service. they carry out domestic terrorism activities in which patrons are targeted with surveillance and harassment. the harasseurs in the tprl come from the ranks of the managerial staff, librarians and book runners. the maintenance staff and security guards also take part in the activities.
their activities consist of, though they do not limit them to, staged incidents to provoke the targets into verbal or physical self defence so they can deliver warning letters followed by vexatious exclusion notices. they also practice other disruption activities associated with csis counterintelligence programs.
for more information on gangstalking and counterintelligence harassment, it's history and recent flourishing in euroese society go to
carry on.