Friday, December 2, 2016

pizzagate fake news

torontos public library system has a free wifi source. i've noticed for some time when the wifi internet connection page comes up that among the groups you may join is a pizza network. i thought this was a group that buys and delivers pizza to people in the library but someone told me that this was a code used by a pedophile cult active in the entire library system of the city of toronto. i hadn't thought more of what i was told untill all of the pizza gate rumours began. then i began to wonder if the story i was told concerning the pizza connection is linked to other things i've noticed going on at the toronto reference library.

i am familiar with the libraries gay underground escort cult as i've been approached by them in an attempt at recruiting, even trying to blackmail me into bringing chicken-flavour ice cream to their secret after hour parties in the secret excavations beneath the reference library.

that knowledge along with the washington, d.c. pizzagate now makes me wonder if those people telling me there is a child sex ring operating in the toronto public libraries could be correct. if there is one camp of the human trafficking cult at work in the toronto public libraries, gay escorts, would it necessarily include the other types of human trafficking. im only able to say that what i've experianced personally with some of the libraries employees makes me suspicious now.