Tuesday, February 28, 2017


found this artist, maxime peeters, doing an image search for something or other palladio or palladian. his work came up because of one of his sculptural pieces similarity to palladios plan of the villa rotunda.

the block sculpture-model is interesting for peeters success in following the rules of palladios architecture closer than palladio does in his own layout of the floor plan of the rotonda villa.

palladios villa rotonda almirico at the riba store.


overladen with citrons



Monday, February 27, 2017

Saturday, February 25, 2017

pressed acanthus


acanthus press, books on architecture and gardening in the euroese tradition.


Friday, February 24, 2017

pigeon roost of the week

winter crocus


winter lavender


winter mallow greens


ontario pedophile house

google maps ontario

the spring i walked from toronto to cobourg ontario, 1991. i got a strange thought in my head to walk to the east coast.

so i started walking east, if i recall correctly somewhere between port hope and cobourg a car passed me. a station wagon driven by an old black woman filled with a bunch of kids

further down the road the car was parked in the yard of one of the properties to the south of the road

the kids from the car were in the yard and they called the woman when i got near. looked like some kind of day care.

she came out and invited me to sit down and told a younger teenage black girl to take my colman cup and go get me some water in the house. i got the funny feeling i had some how been expected.

she said "we move further and further and they still find us", i wondered at the time who was finding them, and if she was saying that to me or the kids, couldn't make sense of it, but thought ohoh crazy lady, she thinks people are after her and she has a bunch of kids in her care what's going on here.

the girl came back with the water. i drank the cup of water and was going to leave but she told the girl to go get more water.

she asked me where i was going and i said oh i'm walking to the east coast we laughed.

the teen came back with more water i drank the second cup thanked her and got up to leave, she seemed taken aback by this, looked at me and my magic colman cup and then at the girl in a funny way. it seemed to me one of those situations where people are not on same page about something.

i said goodbye got up and started off arriving in cobourg before long. i sat down by the lake on the shore wall and the strange tuning fork vibration i had been feeling all the way out to cobourg lifted so i thought what the hell am i thinking of walking to atlantic canada by foot. got back on my feet dusted off the ass of my pants and headed back to toronto.

at the time i didn't know about child trafficking and thought it was some kind of day care. untill recently when i was stalked by csis harasseurs and recognized some of the black children all grown up among the stalkers.


Thursday, February 23, 2017


the tempietto of the laurentian hall at king and jarvis. a local building that serves as a landmark from various distances in the old town neighbourhood. here viewed from jarvis a block north of king, sitting on what looks to be a hill of trees.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

green pine and silver almond

pine and ginkgo on the lawn at allan gardens

Monday, February 20, 2017


a description of mounded garden beds from a blog titled petuniagirl.


allan gardens


allan gardens


alan gardens--fungi garden

winter 2017, mid febuary, flowers of bracket fungus growing from the joint between door mouldings and wall of the tropical room at the allan garden greenhouses.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

toronto civic improvement

pine tree leaning at an angle, one of its branches was almost resting on the green pole making one of the more attractive points of interest along sherbourne street. and they call this area of the city the garden district.

"when flowers and trees are planted for the first time, it does not matter if they are set at an angle. let the leaves face where they will, for after a year they and the branches will straighten up by themselves. in fact, if a tree is planted straight up it will be difficult for it to grow into a striking shape."
shen fu, six records of a floating life; english by leonard pratt and chiang su-hui.

mk(camh)ultra--sign of the times

a ttc subway poster for camh, encouraging the public diagnosis of mental illness and suggesting the public look for it every where. directed energy weapons and voice to skull as the two invisible causes of mental illness. part of the deep states slow disclosure of these technologies to create madness and then cure them.

here without being mentioned in the poster, the two invisible signs being suggested are the effects of directed energy weapons and voice to skull technology. camh used the directed energy and mind influencing equipment secretly, during cognative therapy sessions in the early 1990s. i know from experiance.

as in create a problem, wait for the public reaction to the problem and then come forth with a solution to their hand wringing.


Saturday, February 18, 2017

pineal cone

cobourg walk

distancecanada website, no estimates for travel by foot.
several days there and back by foot, to cobourg ontario from downtown toronto. sleeping by the side of the road and under a bridge, bathing in streams, may or june of 1991. it was a pleasant birthday gift.
taking roads to the north of the four o one then to the south, through town after town, asparagus and strawberry farms, the abandoned military intelligence camp where they trained agents during world war two. given water at a strange house where a black women was taking care of a half dozen kids or more, and then on to cobourg, the ontario town with capital city pretensions.

Friday, February 17, 2017

dollar times calculator

dollar times, a web app that calculates how much your time is worth has changed over the years.

palladio--rotonda variant

at the homeworkmarket, a redesign of palladios design of a centralized villa. interesting for the deletion of the porch walls of the four largest rooms.



Thursday, February 16, 2017

margaret trudeau protest

that time in 1974 when i was in grade five and pierre trudeau visited grande prairie.
some one found extra money in the budget and the seperate catholic school board rented the school buses for the afternoon and took most of us down to a hockey arena to see pierre and his wife margaret.
when they passed the seating where the group from my school, saint clement elementary, was standing one of the students threw either a ballpoint pen or the ink tube from inside the pen at the trudeaus, hitting margaret's coat. i think he may of been protesting something.
i remember another time before that incident or a year after that he brought a mercury thermometer from home and while we were in the library he was playing around with it untill he dropped it. drops of shiney grey mercury on the floor.
the teacher came over to see what the commotion was about, he wasn't pleased. and then the guy starts using his bare hands trying to push the mercury in one spot so he could get it all and the teacher was freaking out telling him not to touch it. always something with that guy.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

andrea palladio--villa rotonda

howard burns explains the genius of the villa of the rotonda by andrea palladio, and some of its world wide influence on the works of other architects who are not andrea palladio.

sasquatch garden

rock garden forest, allegedly designed by a south american cousin of the canadian sasquatch.

at the paranormalplus blog.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

steinbecks pencils

that blog titled taking note. one of the posts on pencils, the ones used by the american author john steinbeck.
and a video of dalton ghetti making art out of left over pencils.