google maps ontario
the spring i walked from toronto to cobourg ontario, 1991. i got a strange thought in my head to walk to the east coast.
so i started walking east, if i recall correctly somewhere between port hope and cobourg a car passed me. a station wagon driven by an old black woman filled with a bunch of kids
further down the road the car was parked in the yard of one of the properties to the south of the road
the kids from the car were in the yard and they called the woman when i got near. looked like some kind of day care.
she came out and invited me to sit down and told a younger teenage black girl to take my colman cup and go get me some water in the house. i got the funny feeling i had some how been expected.
she said "we move further and further and they still find us", i wondered at the time who was finding them, and if she was saying that to me or the kids, couldn't make sense of it, but thought ohoh crazy lady, she thinks people are after her and she has a bunch of kids in her care what's going on here.
the girl came back with the water. i drank the cup of water and was going to leave but she told the girl to go get more water.
she asked me where i was going and i said oh i'm walking to the east coast we laughed.
the teen came back with more water i drank the second cup thanked her and got up to leave, she seemed taken aback by this, looked at me and my magic colman cup and then at the girl in a funny way. it seemed to me one of those situations where people are not on same page about something.
i said goodbye got up and started off arriving in cobourg before long. i sat down by the lake on the shore wall and the strange tuning fork vibration i had been feeling all the way out to cobourg lifted so i thought what the hell am i thinking of walking to atlantic canada by foot. got back on my feet dusted off the ass of my pants and headed back to toronto.
at the time i didn't know about child trafficking and thought it was some kind of day care. untill recently when i was stalked by csis harasseurs and recognized some of the black children all grown up among the stalkers.