Wednesday, February 1, 2017

csis gangstalking bridge jumper

peter larson laying on the sidewalk out front of chandos
ambulance called
he later goes in for hip replacement surgery

one night he bring s home a friend
she had jumped off the bloor viaduct in a suicide attempt
she didn't want to inconvenience the traffic so she jumped from a place where she would of fallen on the ditch to the side of the road
however that didn't work as the trees broke her fall on the way down and she survived.

they had to put pins in her back and hips so she now walked with a waddle
after she explained all this to me peter said something strange to her
he asked her what she thought
she answered that yeah i think it's him, and then something about it's been a while but i think so.

i wondered what it was about as she seemed to be talking about me though i could be mistaken about it, and with the organized harassment that came later i wonder if it was csis trying to blame me for something in connection to her and if she was being used by them or she was bait for larson. was this how he paid for,the hip replacement surgery, by taking a part in a csis harassment.
possibly to get her thinking they had gotten revenge for her so she would then do things for them.
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video,of larsons friend
a person in need of hip surgery is approached by csis to be part of an internet facebook scam where they will make as though a targeted person is communicating with an other person.
csis creates a fake facebook account and communicates with the woman, they bait her into attempting suicide which she attempted by jumping off the bloor viaduct. she survives and later when she is out of hospital she explains what happened and why she did it.
a person csis has planted in her circle of friends says he will find the real identity of the person who bullied her into attempting suicide. when that is done they suggest she won't be able to take it to court so they suggest another solution, gangstalking.
her new friend claims to have tracked the person down and it just so happens that they know someone who lives in the same house.
first they have her goe to where the alleged bully lives, csis has an asset living in same house, he was given two hip replacement surgeries which csis paid for and now is expected to return the favour through participating in the gangstalking.
he does this by inviting the bridgejumper to the house where she will talk to the target to determine wether he is the person she only knew from on line chat. she talks to the other tenant, telling him about her jump but not why she did it, and then she turns to the tenant who invited her and said yeah i think so, i can't be certain but so close i have to go with yes.
not long after that the tenant who invited her begins a terrorist campaign of little inconveniences on the csis targeted tenant.