Thursday, February 16, 2017

margaret trudeau protest

that time in 1974 when i was in grade five and pierre trudeau visited grande prairie.
some one found extra money in the budget and the seperate catholic school board rented the school buses for the afternoon and took most of us down to a hockey arena to see pierre and his wife margaret.
when they passed the seating where the group from my school, saint clement elementary, was standing one of the students threw either a ballpoint pen or the ink tube from inside the pen at the trudeaus, hitting margaret's coat. i think he may of been protesting something.
i remember another time before that incident or a year after that he brought a mercury thermometer from home and while we were in the library he was playing around with it untill he dropped it. drops of shiney grey mercury on the floor.
the teacher came over to see what the commotion was about, he wasn't pleased. and then the guy starts using his bare hands trying to push the mercury in one spot so he could get it all and the teacher was freaking out telling him not to touch it. always something with that guy.