Friday, December 7, 2018

barry sherman—perfect murder

why were barry sherman's legs slightly crossed when he was found?

he was found with a belt around his neck and his coat pulled back and down to his elbows, and he had his legs slightly crossed.

occult historian tracy twyman has for a long time been investigating the knights templar. recently she had hammer-pergsalls book on templar symbols, mysterium baphometis revelatum translated, and with alec rivera wrote a book on the text and images.

one of the practices of the templar's was a ritual of perfection based on surviving pictures and sculptures of templars, twyman thinks this perfection was castration.

one piece of her evidence is the way some, not all of the knights templar's are shown on their tomb monuments with their legs slightly crossed.

were barry sherman's legs slightly crossed to signal who was behind his death?

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