Thursday, December 27, 2018

camh sex change solicitation

camh sex change solicitation

we were talking about the deepstate transgender-habituation program when he brought up his work on the wendy rose case.

headquarters had the toronto gender identification program at camh under surveillance. we had been unable to place agents on the inside so had begun infiltrating people undergoing transitioning and people close to them.

our informants had suspicions the doctors were doing a quid pro quo deal with patients. they would go slow on giving their approval for surgery until the person brought in someone else who wanted to transition. more money for them.

doing it this way deflected attention from the doctors as the patients put pressure on others they knew to at least begin the first step to transitioning and if a person didn't want to go further thit could stop. maybe.

"everette was telling me the woes of his girlfriend wendy rose. wendy rose the chanteuse of church and wellesley who could be found singing along with her guitar at places in the queer."

"i had everette under sousveillance for a little over a year, because of wendy rose. headquarters had intelligence that some of the doctors employed in torontos sex reassignment program were using it to line their pockets by going slow on the transitioning until a patient referred them someone else that wanted to go through the procedure."

"we were watching the case loads to see if any of the patients or people around them were soliciting for the doctors, asking if a person was interested in a sex change operation or taking the first step and that they could help open doors for someone interested. not letting on it meant more money for the doctors and speedier transitioning for them. i was assigned to sousveillance of wendy rose."

"she was in the process of transitioning from male to female and was being stalled by the board of physicians and psychiatrists that oversee transitioning. she had been taking the hormone part of transitioning for a while and everett was explaining how some of the doctors wanted to make certain she wanted to be a female and were dragging their heels on completing the process with surgery."

"then he asked me (dollar signs in his eyes) if i was interested in a sex change which was what we were waiting for him to ask. we had been watching the camh gender identification program for this activity. we had the intelligence we wanted."

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