breaking up the third world and the expansion of the great white empire.
the migrant invasion of the united states as an opportunity created by the elite to expand their secret empire.
the ethnic caravans from central america parading through mexico before entering into the united states are only a prelude to a long planned annexation of nations in the third world.
when the problems created by the migrants reaches a peak it will be a simple matter to insist their countries of birth be annexed to the government of the united states. whatever the objections of social justice anti imperialists may come up with or act on the annexation will be.
the platitude of activists being these countries are a part of a larger economy unfairly benefiting first world countries will be the undoing of both activist and third world countries.
after annexation ethnics will be able to enter the united states and get the services they want, but then euroese from the united states will be able to relocate into those countries and begin running them for a profit that will pay for the free services the migrants will get in the empire, plus a profit for the united states white population.
a step of many steps to a take over the countries the migrants come from. coming after the step of creating economic dependency. social justice activists and illegal aliens are in the process of creating a one world empire for the deep white state.
a return of peace
a return of wealth
a return of white empire.