Thursday, December 31, 2015

new year eve--acanthus garden

december thirtyfirst 2015. after the first lasting snow of the winter, a few green leaves of cardoon ignorant of the weather around them flaunt their cold hardiness to the fallen tree leaves.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

lurking jericho beach backstory

jericho beach counterintelligence hostel,

when I stayed there in ninty or ninty one, they had a deal where you could volunteer for cleaning duties to reduce the fee.

I did it one day, they gave me the woman's washroom to clean. I thought, how sweet there will be next to nothing to do.

I opened the door, stopped in the threshold and beheld a sow sty. what a mess, it can not be described

toilets were plugged with water and other bodily fluid backing up and flowing all over the floor.

there was what looked to be lichen growing on the shower curtains, it was dried out dirt flaking off as paint would from a wall

the only thing clean, spotless in fact, was the wall mirror above the sinks.

while I was mopping a female came in and mummbled something to the point that she was the one who plugged the toilet and thought she might offer to help, she didn't look like she would be much help, I told her I was taking care of it and she went somewhere else.

I cleaned up took a last look at the mirror, shook my head in wonder, went and had a shower in the cleanliness of the men's bath room and then went out for the day.

how this could be used in a gothic fiction.

a person is staying at the Jericho beach backpack hostel in vancouver

one of the deals at the hostel allows a person staying there to do some cleaning chores in the hallways kitchens and bathrooms in exchange for a nights rent

the person gets on the list for these chores and gets the woman's washroom to clean.

he gets the mop and bucket from one of the staff finds the room and begins to mop the floors of water from a backed up toilet. a young female guest of the hostel comes in to the bath room mumbling to her self about helping to clean up the mess from the overflowing toilet she claims to have caused. he tells her he is taking care of it and she leaves.

what he dosnt know is she was part of a set up by csis to entrap him and she had some charges against her dropped for taking part in the operation. over the next few years they recreate the situation with other females who have charges dropped against them for their part in the operation. later when they start a street theatre operation against him they use directed radio wave tech so he becomes violent and attacks someone not connected to the csis operation. then as a back story they have these other female surveillance role players come forward with their stories of past incidents of violence they had reported but we're not believed about at the time.

what they don't have intelligence on is ...


Friday, December 25, 2015

christmass calendula


christmass garden

toronto yorkgentle, december the twentyfifth 2015, near to fifty degree fahrenheit and in the garden to the north of 15 scadding ave seeds of some unknown plant sprouting between the fallen leaves and ivy.

will they survive the coldest days of winter or be killed by the deeper freezes of january and febuary.

do the seeds sprout up to the end of december every year and until today i never took a close enough look at the winter groudscape to have seen them.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

classical modern architecture

building to the north of the rosedale subway station. the glass facade seems to be a fragment of a triglyph from the entablature of some gigantic ruin.

Friday, December 18, 2015


this summer of 2015 a new building rose at yonge and bloor to a hight where it became visible from the grounds of ramsden park. one now has a landmark of how close one is to the business of civilization while visiting the park.


seaton house--blood money

that time when I had been staying at seaton house, later when I moved into a sort of rooming house one of the people who oversaw the place asked me to have a blood test done so if there was any thing that happened like I passed out or died they had some evidence if it was a medical problem or other

I went back to seaton house and they took blood to test for hepatitis etc.

when I returned a week or two later for the results a nurse looked for my file and couldn't find the results in it so he took more blood the results for that test came back ok. at the time I thought it strange but then everything about seaton house was a little strange, something similar to a gothic novel.

( where and how will they get blood on their hands now.)

how this could be used in a gothic fiction. a person goes to seaton house for a blood test. the asian doctor who takes the blood sample gives him a strange look when it's his turn to have the test.

two weeks later he gets a call to come in for the results which they can't give over the phone. he gets there and the results can't be found and the doctor who took the blood last time is there and is looking worried. he says he came in for the results and they search for them, but there are none as if the blood hadn't been taken but never tested, though he was recorded as having had blood work done. so they take more blood and he gets those results in a couple of weeks.

implausible reasons for the missing blood test results.

i: the doctor was told to hand the blood over to csis for some reason.

ii: the doctor sold the blood to organized crime, a part of society well represented at seaton house. they would use it to incriminate the person the blood came from or sell it to others as a clean bloodtest.

iii: it was sold by the doctor to a local satanic cult for use in some occult rituals. more than enough of that going on in yorkgentle

iv: or the doctor had a blood hunger and drank the blood. he had an evil face.


sadakichi hartmann biography

the entire essay on sadakichi hartmann can be read here.



Wednesday, December 16, 2015

negros lurking on the threshhold

when csis comes stalking, with video at YouTube.

a targeting incident with a couple of the regular negro harraseurs has occurred since i published the post about the starbucks and subway incidents with the negresses. they had two males cross my path on monday december 14 as I entered the bay tower at yonge and bloor.

the above incident reminded me of two more stalked by negros incidents of the last twentyfive years.

both involve a negro on the door step making a request for help. both happened at properties owned by the crc, one at sixteen chandos avenue and one at their shourbourne house next door to our lady of lourde catholic school.

in the first incident I was alone at the house all the other tenants being away for the evening when the door bell rang or there was a knock. I opened the door there was a negro dressed in an expensive looking winter coat he had a bag maybe it was leather, he said he was with the brazilian soccer team, his car had broken down and he needed money for the tow truck I think it was seventy dollars or somethin near that. he assured me his coach could vouch for him meaning I would get my money back, I'm thinking why dosnt he ask his coach or other players for the money, said I couldn't help and shut the door. by the expression on his face he seemed affected strangely by that as if something wasn't going the way he expected.

in the second case the door bell rang and when i opened the door a short portly young male negro was at the door soaking wet and singing, on his feet were shoes with holes, he asked for a pair of shoes or some money, i told him i couldn't help at that time i only had one pair myself. closed the door went back to my room.

I am now thinking the first guy may of been some kind of set up in which the passing of money would of been seen as a drug sale maybe something to do with the sextrade, which they, csis or informants for csis, maybe organized crime, would of been photographing as evidence. the look on his face was very much along the lines as if he had given some prearranged script the person he was talking to would know him as the expected person and when i didn't say and react as expected he gave that wait a second what's happening here look.

the second guy could of been the same thing, some kind of set up with either organized crime or csis was using him as an informant. but as they say these events happen and then we have an inclination to see more things going on than can be attributed to the agent so it may of been nothing to do with my harasseurs from csis and organized crime. yes I haven't forgotten the deamons and their worshippers, but I don't think it was them in those two incidents.


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

december garden--calendula flowers

december the fifteenth 2015. these self sown calendula haven't given up flowering yet. one of the few garden flowers to carry on green and flowering this close to the beginning of winter.


Monday, December 14, 2015

lichen garden

a garden of lichen enriching the moulding of a grave marker in mount pleasant cemetary


Sunday, December 13, 2015


stairs to a machine room on the keating channel lift bridge. office towers in the background marking the distance from downtown yorkgentle.


Friday, December 11, 2015

lurking negro--lurking repost

originally posted on november 8, 2014

That time I was on the subway headed east, I was sitting by a door and at one station when the doors opened a white dog on a leash came in ahead of the person at the other end of the leash. The dog looked at my lap and jumped up on me as though it wished to get away from the person holding the leash, a young negress, who when she saw the dog on my lap said with a shocked tone "oh I'm so sorry he's never done that before, get off his lap oh I'm so sorry." She and the dog moved away a few seats.

How this could be used as an incident in a fiction. A person on one of the ttc subway lines gets a surprise when the train stops at one of the stations and a negress with a white dog on a leash enters. The dog takes one look at his lap and jumps up on his clean pants. The negress gasps and yanks the dogs leash while at the same time telling it to get off his lap and apologizing to him, saying that's so strange he's never jumped up on anyone's lap before.

A couple of weeks later he is sitting by the door in a cafe on yonge street between bloor and Asquith. The door opens and a negress comes in and sits on the floor across from where he is sitting. She is unkempt as though she's been sleeping in an alley and starts talking under her breath about needing a home and could he take her home with him, she would behave herself and not bother him, if she followed him home would he take her in. she goes on talking while sprawled on the floor near the door while the guy who had the dog jump on his lap and other customers watch her until one of the staff comes and asks her to leave. That is when he wonders if that is the same negress who's dog jumped on his lap in the subway and if that incident was planned with this second event.

reposting the above incident because of a recent post I made about a security guard who was herding a young female out of the eaton centre . writing that incident out has made me think of certain similarities between the two .

the events of the above fictionalized incidents on the subway and in the cafe happened as separate incidents further apart in time than I made it in the notes . of the dog that jumped on my lap I'm not entirely convinced it was an agent for csis or organized crime , and that also makes the negress with the dog more than likely an unrelated coincident with the second negress at the cafe and not another show in the toronto street theatre I've experienced since arriving in 1991 .

but the second part about the negress on the floor in the starbucks at the old britnell bookstore on yonge street between bloor and asquith happened the way I describe . the whole thing had the form and content of classic csis street theatre as did the incident at the eaton centre .

both the eaton and starbucks incidents have a young female most likely from the sex trade sent to solicit me while another person was sent to get rid of her and ask me what she had said . all this while nearby a surveillance operation was likely under way . by whom ? police or some organized crime group .

something about writing the other incident down has made me think he was not just checking what was going on at the front entrance to his cafe but was involved in some way with the incident .

the negress in the cafe seemed to be recruited from the prostiution ranks of organized crime but if they were working together that would seem to involve the starbucks employee in organized crime .

which leaves me with the scenario they were both csis assets enlisted to participate in a incident related to the one at the eaton centre more than a decade before this one . unless one was organized crime and the other was csis , but which one is which one .

or it's the third possibility of the neural pathways of my brain are too close together and thoughts are leaking from one area to another causing me to make schizophrenic connections between clearly unconnected events . yeah that's got to be it .


peet elbert--garden repair

all of elbert peets practical tree repair can be read for free at the internet archive .



I A Program for Saving the Trees . . ...II The Tree's Structxjre and Manner Growth lo ...III Wounds and Their Treatment ... 2 ...IV Boring Insects and Their Control . . 52 ...V Rot-Fungi and Their Work .... 7 ...VI The Value and Function of Filling Trees 8 ...VII The Filung of Cavities — ^Materials AND Tools 102 ...VIII General Method of Filling Cavities . 11 ...IX The Various Types of Cavities . . .159 ...X The Treatment of Cavities Without Filling 177 ...XI Bracing 19 ...XII The Prevention of Wounds and Cavities 21 ...XIII The Trade of Tree Repair .... 233 ...XIV Notes on the Various Species . . . 239 Bibliography 263 ...Excavating a large cavity " Frontispiece ...vAonro Decayed maple before and after excavation ... 4 The same tree reinforced with rods and wire and filled with concrete 16

Excerpt From: Peets, Elbert, 1886- [from old catalog]. “Practical tree repair; the physical repair of trees.” New York, McBride, Nast & company, 1913. iBooks.

This material may be protected by copyright

a brick filled cavity in a horse chestnut on the grounds of mount pleasant cemetary .

elbert peets writes of insects and funghi the two causes of plant decay, their remedies and the tools needed to repair the damage they cause .

the last chapter guides the reader in the finer art of preventative maintenance , so one dosnt ever or rarely need to scaffold a tree to keep it falling over or pull out the bricks and mortar to fill rotten cavities .

we don't garden with this much care today , we need more bricked up trees .


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

death comes for hercules


lurking reference library sousveillance

library staff and a single security guard watch three toronto police officers surround and question a male who had been in the library . the police had been called by the library staff or security guard while the guy was in the library but didn't get there till he had already gone outside . much to the disappointment of the library staff who seemed to want him taken into custody .
(news clippings from 2015 on topic of corrupt private security at fightgangstalking.)
from what I could overhear it seemed some professional harraseur provoked the guy and then complained about the him to librarians so it's then taken up by security without the person who complained being identified .
one of the librarians was bitching about the police not getting there till the guy they called about had left the building so they didn't get him this time and she wanted the extra renumeration from perkstalking for christmass , the other librarian said well maybe the police will hang around to see if the guy comes back in and and we will get our bonus .
so all the police could do was surround and chat friendly for a while to make the guy think he was safe to go back in where they could then arrest him, so they and the librarians and the security guard would get bonuses .
a text book example of counterintelligence stalking , the way the incident mimics a genuine threat , a target with previous harrasment designed to elicit response when reprovoked with triggers, a paid harraseur to reprovoke , librarians on the same pay roll as the harraseur , corrupt private security , and at the end police are called .

a video at youtube of toronto police on service call in response to the above incident .

hippoccarp63 videos at YouTube

the hippoccarp63 channel at YouTube .


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

rose macaulay--ruins of palmyra

the ruins of palmyra at the national trust and more at guttae.


"Arab poets were seized by the same emotion at the sight of ruin. Even the Bedouins, writes a tenth-century Spanish-Arab poet, wept over the ruins of the desert camps abandoned by the tribes; he himself addresses a compassionate poem to the ruined and deserted stones. Fallen greatness, desertion, vanished glory, the whole ruinous climate, were dear both to Arabs and Spaniards. Modern Arabs have lost this sense: to them an ancient ruin is either a sheltering place or a quarry for stones."


Excerpt From: Macaulay, Rose. "Pleasure Of Ruins." Walker And Company, 1953. iBooks.

This material may be protected by copyright.

the complete text of macaulays pleasure of ruins is available at


Sunday, December 6, 2015

groundscape--summer funghi

fruit of bracket fungi flowering on a dead stump of an unknown tree .

Friday, December 4, 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015

wall garden--park garden

backyard of the laurentian cathedral , the wall of ancillary building making a walled garden of lawn with faux tombstones to sit on.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015