Wednesday, December 16, 2015

negros lurking on the threshhold

when csis comes stalking, with video at YouTube.

a targeting incident with a couple of the regular negro harraseurs has occurred since i published the post about the starbucks and subway incidents with the negresses. they had two males cross my path on monday december 14 as I entered the bay tower at yonge and bloor.

the above incident reminded me of two more stalked by negros incidents of the last twentyfive years.

both involve a negro on the door step making a request for help. both happened at properties owned by the crc, one at sixteen chandos avenue and one at their shourbourne house next door to our lady of lourde catholic school.

in the first incident I was alone at the house all the other tenants being away for the evening when the door bell rang or there was a knock. I opened the door there was a negro dressed in an expensive looking winter coat he had a bag maybe it was leather, he said he was with the brazilian soccer team, his car had broken down and he needed money for the tow truck I think it was seventy dollars or somethin near that. he assured me his coach could vouch for him meaning I would get my money back, I'm thinking why dosnt he ask his coach or other players for the money, said I couldn't help and shut the door. by the expression on his face he seemed affected strangely by that as if something wasn't going the way he expected.

in the second case the door bell rang and when i opened the door a short portly young male negro was at the door soaking wet and singing, on his feet were shoes with holes, he asked for a pair of shoes or some money, i told him i couldn't help at that time i only had one pair myself. closed the door went back to my room.

I am now thinking the first guy may of been some kind of set up in which the passing of money would of been seen as a drug sale maybe something to do with the sextrade, which they, csis or informants for csis, maybe organized crime, would of been photographing as evidence. the look on his face was very much along the lines as if he had given some prearranged script the person he was talking to would know him as the expected person and when i didn't say and react as expected he gave that wait a second what's happening here look.

the second guy could of been the same thing, some kind of set up with either organized crime or csis was using him as an informant. but as they say these events happen and then we have an inclination to see more things going on than can be attributed to the agent so it may of been nothing to do with my harasseurs from csis and organized crime. yes I haven't forgotten the deamons and their worshippers, but I don't think it was them in those two incidents.