Wednesday, December 9, 2015

lurking reference library sousveillance

library staff and a single security guard watch three toronto police officers surround and question a male who had been in the library . the police had been called by the library staff or security guard while the guy was in the library but didn't get there till he had already gone outside . much to the disappointment of the library staff who seemed to want him taken into custody .
(news clippings from 2015 on topic of corrupt private security at fightgangstalking.)
from what I could overhear it seemed some professional harraseur provoked the guy and then complained about the him to librarians so it's then taken up by security without the person who complained being identified .
one of the librarians was bitching about the police not getting there till the guy they called about had left the building so they didn't get him this time and she wanted the extra renumeration from perkstalking for christmass , the other librarian said well maybe the police will hang around to see if the guy comes back in and and we will get our bonus .
so all the police could do was surround and chat friendly for a while to make the guy think he was safe to go back in where they could then arrest him, so they and the librarians and the security guard would get bonuses .
a text book example of counterintelligence stalking , the way the incident mimics a genuine threat , a target with previous harrasment designed to elicit response when reprovoked with triggers, a paid harraseur to reprovoke , librarians on the same pay roll as the harraseur , corrupt private security , and at the end police are called .

a video at youtube of toronto police on service call in response to the above incident .