Tuesday, December 8, 2015

rose macaulay--ruins of palmyra

the ruins of palmyra at the national trust and more at guttae.


"Arab poets were seized by the same emotion at the sight of ruin. Even the Bedouins, writes a tenth-century Spanish-Arab poet, wept over the ruins of the desert camps abandoned by the tribes; he himself addresses a compassionate poem to the ruined and deserted stones. Fallen greatness, desertion, vanished glory, the whole ruinous climate, were dear both to Arabs and Spaniards. Modern Arabs have lost this sense: to them an ancient ruin is either a sheltering place or a quarry for stones."


Excerpt From: Macaulay, Rose. "Pleasure Of Ruins." Walker And Company, 1953. iBooks.

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the complete text of macaulays pleasure of ruins is available at archive.org.