Friday, December 18, 2015

seaton house--blood money

that time when I had been staying at seaton house, later when I moved into a sort of rooming house one of the people who oversaw the place asked me to have a blood test done so if there was any thing that happened like I passed out or died they had some evidence if it was a medical problem or other

I went back to seaton house and they took blood to test for hepatitis etc.

when I returned a week or two later for the results a nurse looked for my file and couldn't find the results in it so he took more blood the results for that test came back ok. at the time I thought it strange but then everything about seaton house was a little strange, something similar to a gothic novel.

( where and how will they get blood on their hands now.)

how this could be used in a gothic fiction. a person goes to seaton house for a blood test. the asian doctor who takes the blood sample gives him a strange look when it's his turn to have the test.

two weeks later he gets a call to come in for the results which they can't give over the phone. he gets there and the results can't be found and the doctor who took the blood last time is there and is looking worried. he says he came in for the results and they search for them, but there are none as if the blood hadn't been taken but never tested, though he was recorded as having had blood work done. so they take more blood and he gets those results in a couple of weeks.

implausible reasons for the missing blood test results.

i: the doctor was told to hand the blood over to csis for some reason.

ii: the doctor sold the blood to organized crime, a part of society well represented at seaton house. they would use it to incriminate the person the blood came from or sell it to others as a clean bloodtest.

iii: it was sold by the doctor to a local satanic cult for use in some occult rituals. more than enough of that going on in yorkgentle

iv: or the doctor had a blood hunger and drank the blood. he had an evil face.