Sunday, November 6, 2016

camh sousveillance

cognative dissonance creation at camh.

opening background for a weird tale of counterintelligence stalking

1991 or 1992 the year i infiltrated camh through their cognitive therapy program. posing as a patient i was to observe the group therapy program for signs of illicit use of transcranial electromagnetic technology, second and more important bait them into targeting me for exotic weapon gangstalking so it could be established which of the various canadian and other national intelligence agencies was behind the use of the technology in toronto. five patients in the group including me and the four therapists, a jew the only male, a jewess a negress and a single euroese female possibly a lesbian or a transgendered male made up the group for the course.

what one puts one self through for the balancing of society, it did pay off though. the most revealing incident happened one day as we were gathering in the corner room before the session. the guy known as crane had been in the therapy before and left, but came back. he and the negro were talking about it and she made the enigmatic comment you see how persuasive i can be with people who don't complete the course and post course questionnaires. it had a very sinister and threatening quality to it and in fact as she said it the most disgusting expression of glee over what seemed to be the control she had over the crane, a white male.

one of the other patients asked what she meant by her comment. the negro told her never mind you'll find out if necessary and gave the crane a don't you dare tell them what we can do look. it was an obvious reference to microwave weapons and gangstalking being used to force him to return to the therapy.

there were a couple of these veiled references, and before the end of the course one instance of the technology being used, long enough for technicians to trace back to the source of origin. this allowed them to determine who in the deep state the therapists were working for. after the end of the course they continued to monitor me for any signs of exotic directed energy technology being used on me.

that was, as i wrote above in 1991 or 1992, the surveillance bore flowers in 2010 during the g20 riots in toronto. it should be interesting to see what fruit follows the blossoms.