Tuesday, November 22, 2016

chris hyndman--death of a sleepwalker(6)

i found this anonymous review of a new book by pius nesapius about the death of chris hyndman in a recent issue of the arkham readers post. it is more a collection of reading notes held together with excerpts from the book than a review. having read and reviewed some of nesapius works in the past i found it interesting to read another's persons thoughts on a topic and author i have a familiarity with. not having read this book i can't say how fair some of the comments made by the anonymous reviewer are.

i can say nesapius is no stranger when it comes to the topic of mysterious deaths, in his 2005 study of the events surrounding the 1995 suicide of ex csis agent tony iachetti he concluded iachetti did not suicide, but was executed by nato special forces for allegedly selling csis case files to organized crime and or rogue gladio operatives for use in gangstalking, extortion, and the creation of a strategy of tension. that strange tale raised more questions than any it answered, as does his newest book which describes the death of canadian television celebrity chris hyndman.



death of a sleepwalker, the conspiracy to occult the murder of chris hyndman. pius nesapius, landbaybooks. $63.00 (dollars canadian).

nesapius thinks their description sounds like the phenomena of exotic technology and pauses his narrative to give a brief explanation of this exotic technology. this is said to classified equipment in use by a branch of some of the worlds military and would allow things that sound like science fiction.

it was now august the sixth and he went on to torontos main gay village at church and wellsley, he was interested to hear first hand what was being said compared to the rumours on the internet.

" ... by mid august i had exhausted the queen-davenport neighborhood of information and began trolling the bars, sex theatres, cafes and boutiques of church street. as i expected it was much the same material that was to be found on the internet, ... chris was a csis special honeybottom agent who had seen better days, been retired but couldn't live without that part of his life so he suicided. chris was sacrificed to the great whore babylon by his female-illuminati handler jeanne becker, chris faked his death with the help of the breakaway civilization and was taken to mars to work as an interior decorator. they must be short of decorators or something on mars base. chris was a closet nazi and spy for the underground nazi international, was discovered and taken out by nato special forces to create tension and trauma in the lgbt community and too many others to list all of them here. it sounded a little as if some of them had been reading my books. ..."

nesapius found much the same information in the church wellesley queer as he read on the internet,

" ... however among all the depraved gossip one person who claimed to have known hyndman brought up a genuine incident and connected it to hyndmans suicide. this person claimed that she had often talked with hyndman during 2014, he had been very upset at the time about the suicide of a teenaged male, it was claimed this youth had schizophrenia though many of his symptoms and his suicide could be put down as the effects and collateral damage of counterintelligence stalking. ... the person went on to say she thought hyndman was so troubled by it he suicided. for a while there he was alway talking of it and once he seemed really really bothered by it and suicide in general, like you wouldn't believe it eh, being world famous in canada and all that, but he thought about suicide really really alot. ... "

this part of his investigation not likely to reveal anything more than the internet had he decided it was time to check with his deepthroats at the toronto police. he was sitting at a cafe table deciding which of his police sources to call first when a stranger approached the table.

" ... by this time the police had closed the investigation, the conclusion was death by accident, the sleepwalking theory, which seemed a cover for their polite way of not mentioning suicide, which itself seemed a way of drawing attention away from the evidence for a murder. to the possibility they were using it as a cover for something else ... it was time to contact my sources in the police department, enough time had passed for any unusual pattern to the investigation to have sunk in and come back to the surface where they would of wondered about it ... "

... "i was sitting at an outdoor cafe going over my secret list of sources in the police department deciding who i should call first when a person approached and asked if the newspaper on the table was mine i motioned no and that he was welcome to it, he put down a book on top of one of the papers and looked at another for perhaps half a minute thanked me and lifted his book turned and began walking away when i noticed he left behind an envelope that must of been under his book, i was about to call him back when my eyes were caught by my name written on the envelope in a hand i recognized ... i opened the envelope it contained a photo copy of the report made by the officers attending to the scene of hyndmans death." ...

nesapius informants in the police department were ahead of him the envelope delivered by a mysterious courier contained the report made the night of hyndmans death but with one difference that was not mentioned by the press.

..." the media never mentioned the clothing, the published police report doesn't mention the clothing in truth it seems to avoid mention of what the body was dressed in, but the one dropped in my lap states," the body was found near the entrance of the lane way ... a white leather jacket with full length fringe was worn on the upper body of the deceased, no other items of clothing were present, on or near the body." ...

... "a white leather jacket with full length fringe was worn on the upper body of the deceased, no other items of clothing were present, on or near the body. ... i did a google search and found a number of jackets that fit the description, they are termed bonjovi specials, and though i could not find photos of hyndman wearing a jacket that fit the description there is on the internet one photo of him looking at white clothes in 2007, around the time my contact claims he saw hyndman wearing a white leather bonjovi special." ...

i also looked this up and there on the website nesapius names is for all to see a photo of hyndman and his familiar sabados picking out white clothing at what seems to be a store in torontos eaton centre. this retail store is one of the many clothing stores which nesapius claims, in an other book, have some sort of deal with cisis as a supplier of clothing for gang stalking and crisis actor assignments.

photography by tyler anderson.