Saturday, November 12, 2016


o. b. scamozzis essay on palladio made into english at princeton architectural press.

" i called upon scamozzi, an old architect who has brought out a book on palladio and is himself a competent and dedicated artist. he showed great pleasure at my interest and gave me some information. the building of palladio s for which i have a special predilection is said to be the house in which he himself lived."

"seen at close range, there is far more to it than one would imagine from a picture. i should like to see a drawing of it in colour which would reproduce the tints that the stone and the passage of time gave it. but you must not think that the architect built himself a palace. it is the most unpretentious house in the world and has only two windows, separated by a wide expanse of wall which would easily of admitted of a third. one might make an amusing picture, showing how this house is wedged between its neighbors. canaletto would of been the man to do this."

johann wolfgang von goethe, italian journey. (made in to english by w.h.auden and elizabeth mayer)

o.b. scamozzis essay on palladios architecture in the italian, is available for reading online or free download at the