that post on robert lindseys blog above highbrow the post where he wrote his thoughts about social justice warriors versus the altright after reading an article by joshua goldberg.
he agrees with goldberg that the sjw movement spawned the altright and thinks sjw are a pest but compared to the altright their hearts are in the right place and they promote good not evil. lindsey compares the sjw crowd to a disease and the alt right mob to anti bodies overreacting to the sjw overactions to what they perceive as injustice.
the part subtitled problem was of most interest to me. i disagree with his statement that the problem is the quantity of good they throw at the problem. he thinks the sjw are promoting good over evil and state they actively persue evil over good. i think it's the quality of their judgement of what is a problem and what is not. they seem to have an instinct and talent for perverting good into evil and disguising evil as good.
two examples of sjw evil perverted or disguised as good.
one: a sjw acquaintance of mine came home one night and told me a tale of his day which had been filled with rainbows until he got on the bus to come home. there was woman with a dog on the bus, the dog was in a body harness not leashed to a collar. it was looking at him with big sad eyes expressing the pain it was suffering from the harness. it took all of the buddhist mindfulness training he had been practicing not to start yelling at the woman about the way she was abusing her dog. don't people know how wrong dog harnesses are he whined. then he told me he was going to have shame-pamphlets printed explaining how dogs really feel about harnesses and hand them to people walking dogs leashed to harnesses. was i interested in helping?
i told him that i thought harnesses were supposed to be more humane because they distribute the weight over the chest of the dog rather than the neck as a collar does, especially when the dog lunges around trying to sniff at rainbows. he looked to one side, said he had to unpack his bag, went upstairs, never mentioned it again.
two: before the intersection of dufferin and queen streets was renovated there was a retaining wall with a bit of soil where a beautiful selection of local weeds was growing without any help. i recall with pleasure the times walking past them, a thick flourishing mound of green just where it was needed in the cliff side of concrete.
then one day as i passed the weeds were gone, replaced with a stingy planting of wilting flowers. someone had ripped the drought resistant weeds out and planted flowers that need water. a little cardboard sign on a stick asked people to bring water if they noticed the flowers needed some, there was something else about showing community spirit in beautifying the neighbourhood.
stopped in my tracks, i wondered who rips out weeds growing without any help and replaces them with garden flowers that are going to die in a week or two, then passes it off as a community building project. oh this must be the work of the rainbow supremacist i thought. damn antisocial weeds, what right do you have to grow there and interfere with community spirit building?
in the first example i think my aquaintence had some emotional issue about straight jackets triggered by dog harnesses. the harness made him feel bad not because they are bad but because straight jackets are bad. it's all about their unchecked feelings. the problem wasn't dog harnesses it was something else that made him feel sad and angry which could be transferred to the harnesses and be used to cause trouble in the world.
the second example is bald faced evil.
a supremacist is a supremacist by any other name.