Monday, October 30, 2017

cia horse chestnuts

that time i was in the park behind the rosedale subway station. i was picking horse chestnuts from the ground.

an asian female came along the path and approached me asking me what i was doing, which i thought was obvious, she bent down picked a chestnut off the ground and gently tossed it to me as if helping. then an expression of revelation crossed her face and she blurted out " o, are you an artist? ".

oh that's it i thought she's one of those yoko ono wannabes looking for a white male artist type so she can stay in canada.

i said " no " and went on picking chestnuts while slowly putting some distance between her and myself. she hesitated for a moment then stood up and walked off. im thinking now she was probably some sort of cia counterintelligence asset sent to infiltrate my activity in a diffuse and disrupt operation so she could stay in canada.


mullein garden

the velvety leaves of first year mullein at the landfill park. the plants that survive the winter will sprout yard high wands of yellow flowers to celebrate their second year of life, then go to seed and die.


allotment garden

cucumber making its escape from a vegetable plot at the leslie street allotment gardens.


Sunday, October 29, 2017

corey feldman--porn video

that time back around 2003 at the barbwire theatre i watched a video with a corey feldman look alike.
the story was about a young guy looking for a place to stay. he goes to one apartment in a condo and has sex, then to another apartment and has sex with the guys there. this is repeated several time, passed from apartment to apartment where he has sex with one or more guys.
then he finds an apartment with another guy his age has sex again and is invited to stay with them. i think that's how it went. at the time i thought the person playing the young guy had been selected for his resemblance to feldman.
a few years ago the actor corey feldman began making accusations about sexual harassment in hollywood. i was reminded of having seen the video and how close his narrative of being passed around was similar to the plot of the video.
did some one make the movie as a taunt, someone who would of known what had happened.

Saturday, October 28, 2017


centering, the temporary scaffolding built before the permanent stone arch can be built.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

stephen okeefe--inspiration opcatalyst

that web site op catalyst and those youtube videos of stephen okeefe, torontos arch-truth criminal.
okeefe documents his experiences as a counterintelligence target in both the web site and videos.
i had passed him on yonge street near st. nicholas one day after the heightened counterintelligence attack against me began in 2011. at the time i thought he was another one of the harasseurs sent my way. a couple of years sooner or later i came across his videos and recognized him. "oh he's also one of the targets". next time i saw him i was going down the subway stairs at yonge and queen and he was coming up the escalator with his cell phone in hand. always on the alert this guy.
the videos are interesting for me because i recognized some of the harasseurs that have crossed and continue to cross my path from before 2011 and after that time which was the start of a full blown attack.
the web site is hard to read because it hits uncomfortablely close to home. but that said i have been through it once, it cleared up some things about gangstalking for me.
operation catalyst, inspiration for the counterintelligence target.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

chris hyndman--secret doxxing man

that time i may of driven chris hyndman to suicide.
our paths crossed at the gay video store on church street one day 2007 or 8. i spooked him good and we hoped the failure of this cia sex entrapment operation might be used in their upcoming psyop during or after the g20 meeting here in toronto.
later when the 2011 cia counterintelligence operation against me began he showed up at yonge and hayden with his cia handler and boyfriend. i had a heads up from our infiltraters in the cia doxxing community and was ready for their street theatre.
it was one of those set ups where they have their actors approach the target while it's all being filmed by another part of their team. he was waiting there with his grooming bag smiling that cheshire cat smile at me, i wiped it from his face by crossing the street. he turned on his heels and began stomping south with his handler boyfriend running behind him.
my email was already being doxxed and in the days, weeks and months following the beginning of the 2011 cia counterintelligence operation against me and after the incident at yonge and hayden there among all the other nasty emails were hyndmans foul worded messages to me. make a fool of him once at the video store was bad enough but a second time in view of other counterintelligence stalkers was too much. he was going to do something i would never forget.
and then one day in 2015 he did. laying on a barbados beach one day then laying in a toronto lane way the next.

chickory blue

dried chickory stems with enough of summers green left in them to open a few buds to an october day.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

infiltrating toronto housing

that time in 2009 i infiltrated the toronto community housing corporation.


after infiltrating the low income housing of the crc and having gleaned all there was to its cia backing, i was given the commission to infiltrate the toronto community housing corporation as a tenant.


i got in after some difficulty. we later learned that janet yoshida from the crc housing gave the intake operative at the tchc a heads up that her cia handler told her she was under surveillance by me while i was living at sixteen chandos. they didn't refuse the application but my choice of locations was limited, but fate smiled and one location offered was fifteen scadding ave. the counter operation would go on.


i was to take up residence only if offered a place at fifteen scadding avenue as this was where the cia had some of their eastern european and italian immigrants who had worked for italy's gladio and the east german statzi.

this was an address where reconnaissance had uncovered evidence of a nest of statzi from east germany who had been brought in by immigration canada for the cia so the could set up a similar operation in toronto as they had in germany. it was supposed to be a training operation for other tenants, a community harassment operation which would spread coast to coast.


we would wait a year after i moved in then use a staged incident at the the g20 meeting of 2010 to to bring me to their attention and see if we could get a maximum number of 15 scaddings tenants involved in the cia neighbourhood counterintelligence harassment.


we were hoping that if they thought they had a lot to gain they would overreact and show their hand in the way cia drug money was pouring into the building and the pockets of the tenants who agreed to cooperate with the counterintelligence harassment.


we were watching for where the funds were coming from and which tenants and staff were benefiting from the statsi informant game and which tenants were at the top of the hierarchy. it was thought most likely cia drug smuggling was the source of the money with some drugs being used to buy off the tenants compliance.


a second and equally plausible theory was the money was coming in from cia human trafficking which was going on some where in the apartment building, rumoured to be located on the ninth floor. there were also the usual rumours of cannibalism being practiced by a group of tenants.


it paid off.


we were able to compile a list of the individuals on staff and tenants in charge of the building for the cia. the ones brought in from east germany and italy and the canadians. evidence suggests it is money from both drugs and human trafficking that is lining their pockets and being used for various nonessential maintenance projects that have been made at 15 scadding. some evidence but no proof of cannibalism was found.


treeroot and rocks


Monday, October 23, 2017

cia voice to skull demo

that time kelly roache was used in a disruption operation by the cia in a botched voice to skull psyop.

he had met a guy online who reconnaissance told us was a cia recruiter. he got kelly to cooperate with them in a disruption operation in the house against the other tenants.

they had him make complaints about other tenants at 16 chandos a crc low income housing project run as a front for the cia. i was one of the tenants kelly complained about and the landlords representative, ( paul utenbeuagard? another cia asset ? ) asked if i could talk to him about it

we were talking in the living room at 16 chandos. i was sitting in a chair in front of the window and he was about eight feet away from me, standing up so the voice to skull could reach him. they were coaching him on what to say to me with the voice to skull.

so i would say something and he would have this strange pause and then respond or ask a question. his flow of speech made him seem to be on a wire but it was more likely electromagnetic voice to skull technology.

the reason i think it was voice to skull was at one point he began to drool from the right corner of his mouth a side effect of the technology. then the whole of the right side of his body went limp, his right eye lid drooped the right arm hung loose at his side while the left arm of the body was continuing to move gesture and talk. i thought he was having a seizure but he recovered.

and then i could hear this very faint voice saying something and then the same voice or another saying, "he ( me? ) knows, he can hear us, pull out pull out", and kelly said he didn't want to discuss the complaint any more.

kelly roache moved out maybe a month or two later but the cia hi jinks continued.




Sunday, October 22, 2017

toronto gardens

october in the garden of the laurentian cathedral. next to one of the flower beds, on the lawn, lay maybe a hundred empty flower pots.


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017

cia g20 infiltration

that time in 2010 i infiltrated the g20 riots of toronto.
we had heard through reconnaissance that the cia was planning to use a new type of electromagnetic weapon during the meeting in an attempt to increase the level of agitation and create a full blown riot and entrap people.
their plan was to use the technology to influence people to go into the protest and once there a cia provocateur would harangue them while the cia hit the targeted person with the anger beam so they would attack the provocateur.
i was to allow them to think they had me under the control of their mind influencing machine and walk the length of the protest on yonge street to the eaton centre till i found the cia provocateur they had waiting for me, a comedian named paul bellini who our intelligence said had been selected to try and create a confrontation with me.
i was to get his attention and lure him down the street to the intersection of yonge and king where i would be turned back by the police. then i was to break my link to the influence beam and walk off and do some sousveillance.
what we were hoping for was they wouldn't leave it at that. if it all went well the cia and their activist conspirators would mount an attack in a few months. then i was to lead them on a wild goose chase for the next five to ten years while they exposed their techniques and methods of counterintelligence stalking to our observers to study.
all went well.

ruins of toronto

Thursday, October 19, 2017

chris hyndman--cia informant

was chris hyndman, torontos gay lifestyle guru a cia informant?

that time at the video rental store on church street, the one on the east side of the street south of wellesley.

they had booths near the front of the store at that time. you bought tokens at the counter and could go in the booth area and watch videos that were playing. i got some tokens the minimum amount you had to buy and went in.

one of the booths door was open a crack, wondering if it was empty i pushed on it. it was occupied by a guy in a white leather jacket and a cheshire cat smile. he opened the door wider with one hand and had his dick in his other hand.

i nodded no thanks and went to do some paceing back and forth in the ailse between the booths. i hadn't left the booth with the guy in it more than three minutes when he came rushing out of the booth in different clothes carrying a gym bag and made his get away.

that was i think sometime in 2007 maybe 2008 and i had more or less forgotten the incident. then in 2011 during an intense gangstalking attack by the cia he showed up again. i think it was where hayden ave branches off yonge street, i was going south when he showed up with another guy.

the guy from the booth was smiling that cheshire smile again but i didn't recognize it was the guy from the booth. i crossed yonge street and he frowned and started marching south while the guy who was with him smiled at him and started after him.

it wasn't until 2015 with the news of hyndmans alleged suicide in the papers and internet that i could put a name to the face.

i thought i had seen him before but where i couldn't recall. it took a couple of days before it struck me, that was the guy in the booth at the gay video store on church street. i wondered what his part in the counterintelligence stalking was and who he was doing it for, cia, csis or some other group.


water flower

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

smiley face killers example

the smiley face killers. that franchise of serial murderers that abduct young men hold them for a while then kill and dump their bodies in water.
when i arrived in toronto i was approached by a guy with a back pack. we talked for a while , he told me about being born in greece and how his father had come to toronto and later sent for him. he asked me if i wanted to make money stripping and dancing at a local club. i said no, no i wasn't interested. he left saying i was making him feel spooked. i wondered what that meant and said goodbye. don't think i ever saw him again.
i think this was one of those abduction attempts. they offer you work in the sex trade and if you refuse you are put on a list for the abduction, ritual murder and dumping in water. dance or drown.

ruins of toronto iron fence


toronto tree canopy


pigeon of the week


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

tim hortons--smiley face

the smiley face killers, a franchise of serial murders who abduct young men hold them for a period of time while they are raped by witches, tortured and then killed and dumped in water. i am personally familiar with their modus operandi. they have tried unsuccessfully to abduct me on a number of occasions over the last twenty seven years.

the first attempt here in toronto they sent a first nations guy to invite me for a drink on him. the idea being to drug the drink and then later kill me. they use a lot of aboriginals for these luring operations.

this seems to be some sort of ritual killing cult run by the matriarchy, thus the witches. the number of corrupt police and security involved in their activities suggests some link to the cia and their international operations. but at the back of it all and in command lurk the witches and their millennia old cult of death.

they continue to let me know they are after me. most recently they have concentrated their attack at a number of cafes.

one of them, that tim hortons at yonge street just north of bloor on the east side of the street. for the longest time when ever i would order a double double they would mark the lid with their white crayon to make the two letter ds and then put a curved line below them to make it look like a smiley face. sometimes they put a circle around the ds and smile to make it into a smiley face.

given the human trafficking atmosphere about the cafe i take it that the smiley face was meant to intimidate me with triggered memories of the attempt by the local gang of the smiley face franchise of killers to abduct me in the early 1990s. and also to signal they were still after me and had their people on the staff of the tim hortons.

but that's what one has to put up with when one is bait.

autumn reflowering

autumn 2017, crab apples reflowering , at the saint claire reservoir. growing on a sloping west facing side of the lawned area.

Monday, October 16, 2017

cia identity theft toronto

who were the identity harasseurs that had my bank of montreal bank book? cia, csis, mossad, sjw's, the russians, maybe organized crime.
that time in 1991 or 1992 a bag with some personal papers was taken when i put it down for a minute. it had a bank of montreal account book in it.
then sometime around 2007 it reappeared. i was going through a box looking for something else when i noticed the bank book between some other papers.
" oh they've returned it for some reason " i thought. it happened around the same time one of the other tenants boyfriend was hanging around the boarding house. i recognized him as the same guy who four or five years earlier was taking photos of me at the barbwire video theatre one night.
was the bank book used to get credit, or fake id for criminals. but why return it?

Sunday, October 15, 2017

cia recruitment operation toronto


that time i went to the barn, torontos gay bar with the notorious slurp ramp. i locked my bike to a bike post near dundas ryerson and walked down to the club. this was a few weeks or so after the police had been there.

i was walking around getting some very strange looks from a lot of the other patrons. a couple of twenty year olds walked by hurriedly their eyes wide as they headed in the direction of the exit. i turned my head as they passed me and noticed my bike light was flashing under my shirt where i had clipped it to my pants. a security guard was coming up behind me saying to some one on a walkie talkie that yeah he found the person and it was just a bike light.

so there i was strolling around the barn with a red light flashing under my shirt at hip level a few weeks after toronto police had made a sting operation, probably with flashing red lights under their shirts at hip level. needless to say i didn't get lucky that night and left not long after.

i returned to where my bike was locked and it wasn't there, first thought was i mistook where i locked it up, but there was a rebar lock on the post which looked like mine so i tried the key and the lock opened. oh damn i missed the frame of the bike when i attached the lock to the post in one of the busiest spots along dundas. some one must of noticed.

about a week later one of the other tenants at sixteen chandos, everette colrin, said he noticed my bike wasn't where i usually parked it in the house. told him what happened and he said oh your in luck i'm taking a friend down to a guys place in the beaches neighbourhood tomorrow to get a free bike. the police give him some of the unclaimed bikes they find and he passes them on to people who can use one, you can get one too.

we went down to the house and his friend and me both picked out a bike. then the three of us road down to the tommy thompson park, the spit, to meet the guy and thank him. he was sunbathing in a secluded spot. we thanked him and he cautioned me about not wearing sunscreen and then he and everette moved off a bit as if to look at something and i could overhear everette say what do you think and the guy said no i don't think he would do. i had my back to them and was looking at the lake so i may of misheard.

so was this a recruitment operation by a government agency? i locked the bike up they have a master key take the bike, their asset on the inside everette, with access to the target then suggests he has a solution to the missing bike, and then the guy who puts on sex orgies in his house in the beaches can see the person the cia want to recruit for that activity. do something in return for the bike i just got. sex acts with the other guy?

or i'm just too suspicious.


Saturday, October 14, 2017

goldfish gold flower

stones of palladio

a youtube video on the limestone used in all or some of palladios buildings.

the first book of palladios four books on architecture. the answers to what are the best natural materials for a building that will last the ages. palladios first book of architecture can be read online at the
we need more palladio.

autumn rebloom

october 12, 2017, crab apple in bloom at the saint claire reservoir.

Friday, October 13, 2017

rainbow supremacists

that post on robert lindseys blog above highbrow the post where he wrote his thoughts about social justice warriors versus the altright after reading an article by joshua goldberg.

he agrees with goldberg that the sjw movement spawned the altright and thinks sjw are a pest but compared to the altright their hearts are in the right place and they promote good not evil. lindsey compares the sjw crowd to a disease and the alt right mob to anti bodies overreacting to the sjw overactions to what they perceive as injustice.


the part subtitled problem was of most interest to me. i disagree with his statement that the problem is the quantity of good they throw at the problem. he thinks the sjw are promoting good over evil and state they actively persue evil over good. i think it's the quality of their judgement of what is a problem and what is not. they seem to have an instinct and talent for perverting good into evil and disguising evil as good.


two examples of sjw evil perverted or disguised as good.


one: a sjw acquaintance of mine came home one night and told me a tale of his day which had been filled with rainbows until he got on the bus to come home. there was woman with a dog on the bus, the dog was in a body harness not leashed to a collar. it was looking at him with big sad eyes expressing the pain it was suffering from the harness. it took all of the buddhist mindfulness training he had been practicing not to start yelling at the woman about the way she was abusing her dog. don't people know how wrong dog harnesses are he whined. then he told me he was going to have shame-pamphlets printed explaining how dogs really feel about harnesses and hand them to people walking dogs leashed to harnesses. was i interested in helping?


i told him that i thought harnesses were supposed to be more humane because they distribute the weight over the chest of the dog rather than the neck as a collar does, especially when the dog lunges around trying to sniff at rainbows. he looked to one side, said he had to unpack his bag, went upstairs, never mentioned it again.


two: before the intersection of dufferin and queen streets was renovated there was a retaining wall with a bit of soil where a beautiful selection of local weeds was growing without any help. i recall with pleasure the times walking past them, a thick flourishing mound of green just where it was needed in the cliff side of concrete.


then one day as i passed the weeds were gone, replaced with a stingy planting of wilting flowers. someone had ripped the drought resistant weeds out and planted flowers that need water. a little cardboard sign on a stick asked people to bring water if they noticed the flowers needed some, there was something else about showing community spirit in beautifying the neighbourhood.


stopped in my tracks, i wondered who rips out weeds growing without any help and replaces them with garden flowers that are going to die in a week or two, then passes it off as a community building project. oh this must be the work of the rainbow supremacist i thought. damn antisocial weeds, what right do you have to grow there and interfere with community spirit building?


in the first example i think my aquaintence had some emotional issue about straight jackets triggered by dog harnesses. the harness made him feel bad not because they are bad but because straight jackets are bad. it's all about their unchecked feelings. the problem wasn't dog harnesses it was something else that made him feel sad and angry which could be transferred to the harnesses and be used to cause trouble in the world.


the second example is bald faced evil.


a supremacist is a supremacist by any other name.



keep calm and palladio

palladios third book on euroese classical architecture. need to build a road or a bridge? maybe a basilica, then the third book of palladios four books is where your answer will be found. the entire text of the third book can be found at the we need more palladio.