was belinda dumas blackbourne, is belinda dumas blackbourne a cia asset. was she keeping a safe house in grande prairie alberta for the cia while she finished high school?
in grade ten or eleven belinda dumas mother remarried, they went to europe that summer, germany, and came back like she had a big secret, was always dropping hints about something she was in on. some time later belinda moved out of her mother and step fathers home and child protection or something came in the picture so she could finish high school.
she then had a place of her own, a basement suite.
one day in the winter on the way back to school from downtown she invited a group of us to stop and warm up. nothing untoward happened that time.
several weeks later the same invitation was made but there were only three of us, belinda, janet crowshaw and me. we were there for maybe ten minutes and i wanted to get back to school but they weren't going to let me leave.
they pulled out some rope and duct tape and tried to restrain me while telling me they were going to give me a blow job. maybe a month before this crowshaw had told me a tale about going on a date with a friend of her brothers. after the steak the friend had driven them to a secluded spot and told her he wanted a blowjob which she refused to do so he told her to get out of the car which she said she did and walked home through the snow. she seemed to have some grudge about my response, "why are you telling me?". this apparently was somehow to be revenge.
i fought them off and got out of there. on my way back to school it occurred to me the place was possibly one of those houses the cia uses to entrap people. one of those places with hidden cameras they use to take photos to blackmail people into cooperating with them.
so it wasn't just a stupid idea on their part. had she had been recruited by nato for their cia operations while visiting in europe. or maybe the rcmp ( csis didn't exist back then ) had her blackmailed. they got her the basement suite so she could do entrapment work for them. maybe the moving out of her mother and stepfathers house was all part of the cover story for the cia operation.